Hey look here and listen up! It’s good news!

This is the good news of the Imperial administration of the atmosphere, that is of Elohim The creator of the atmosphere and outer Space.
This is the good news sent to us and confirmed by a faithful witness who was demonstrated to be the son of Elohim and the Yeshuat Yehovah, his name being Yhshua from Nazareth.

He was a Jew and he died a Jewish tzadiq and he was resurrected as a transformed Jewish tzadiq demonstrated to be the designated one to save Judah Israel the sons of Abraham and the whole world both after and before the flood. He is the first of Yehovahs New creation, being the long promised jew from the house of David. This overview will guide you in your study of the three major profits and in your study of the whole of the acts of Yehovah and the acts of Yhshua.

The good news of the Imperial administration of Elohim

This is the good news laid out by Yehovah to be proclaimed by the students of Yhshua , Who is the Yeshuat Yehovah as many have borne witness to and have proven throughout the millennium.

And the workings out so far as they apply in the books of Maccabees.

And as regarding the rock that was cut out and that smashed all the empires into pieces you may read about it and him or listen to the acts of Yhshua

Which I would encourage you to listen to in its modern Hebrew translation so as to learn the pure language of our father.

And now to those who understand the good news as far as Daniel, continue now in the understanding given by our Lord and our master Yhshua

So now bear this in mind in contemporary English what the father wishes to communicate to us under his son.

Indeed is this not good news giving us excellent hope and prospects who love Yehovah protect his commandments? And in addition who love our fellow citizens and our fellow students of Yhshua as he loves them?
Rejoice and proclaim the good news because it is joyful news ❤️😂

Yehovah hwa hahwb

What is love? We ask that question and never think to ask who is loving and lovely. Without an understanding of the deceptiveness of language we probably don’t realise that the question what can only be answered if one has a concrete object to which it applies. But loving behaviours and attitudes and approaches are embedded concretely only in living things, so the question really should be who is loving.

The source of loving behaviour is Yehovah because he it is who is dynamically alive and loving. However as human beings we first have to reference a loving human and the example that Yehovah. Presents to us first of all, apart from himself is Abraham, and to understand his loving behaviour we have to understand the Hebrew word lahwb.
Abraham is the father of many exceptional behaviours so it’s not surprising that Yehovah identifies him as the father of loving behaviour towards his son Isaac. But we should ask the question: what about Sarah his wife, and locked and his father and his family and his land of birth? All these things Yehovah asked him to leave behind and to go to a place exclusively for him. And that place was occupied by many nations so it didn’t look very hopeful on the face of it. And he walked the length and Breadth of that land with his flocks in his cattle and his family and his servants but most importantly always with Yehovah , And it still did not look very hopeful that this would be a place for him and a place that he would love.

And while he had great respect for his princess that is Sarah and had an indissoluble bond with her it still was not described by the word ahab . You see for him and for Sarah the longing desire there yearning they’re saying was not for land but for children from their own blood and their own seed. Because of this longing Sarah endured the scorn and the hurt of all the mothers in all the land, because she was childless. And Abraham endured all the hurt of being fatherless because of his loyalty to his wife and his loyalty to Yehovah . Both of them were loyal to Yehovah but the covenant for land was not as important as the covenant for seed and children to Abraham. Because of this covenant he endured much, and showed great love for children to come from his loins.But what about Sarah? She hoped against hopelessness to be the mother of all these children to Abraham and she continued hoping until she was sure her body was quite dead with regard to giving birth to children. And so in her anguish she gave her loyal maid servant to her husband to have children by her. She no longer hoped to be the Mother of all the children promised in the covenant. She at that time felt excluded by Yehovah , But she continued to believe in his covenant to Abraham to give him the children that he so yearned for .

It’s hard to explain just how diminished she was as a person by being unable to contribute to the family of Abraham, and we have to understand that Abraham did not despise her for this but continued in his steadfast loyalty to her and sort in anyway to bolster her great inclination to help him achieve what Yehovah had a covenanted and promised. And so she engineered the birth of Ishmael, just to see Abrahams happy face. And she sought verification of her Covenanter position as head with him of the family of Abraham, because she could not give him a child and Yehovah had not favoured her with one. And so Abraham made it plain to all that Sarah was the mother of all his family whether she gave birth to his children or not, nobody could take that away from her in Abrahams administration of his family and of his camp.

So hopefully we have an understanding of the yearning and the longing of both these parties for a child or children to Love, and we can see that Abraham was capable of loving his own child as well as supporting and esteeming his own wife regardless of whether she had given him a child or not, or rather Yehovah had given them a child together. This loyalty to Yehovah shown by both parties and this loyalty to each other was thoroughly tested and determined to be exactly what Yehovah wanted in order to give them a special child in order to give them Isaac which means laughter. So Yehovah answered their yearning together as loyal servants and loyal partners with laughter, and in that laughter the full expression of the long yearning and loving for their own child.

We first deal with the laughter of unbelief, The laughter of amazement and wonder and incomprehensibility. For Sarah had given up hope on giving birth to Abrahams child and so laughed when Yehovah confirmed that she would have his child. And then she denied that she laughed out of unbelief and was reprimanded because she was talking to Yehovah Who knew exactly what he wanted to do to a woman for whom it was considered impossible to give birth. And when she had confessed her own disbelief, and Abraham had confessed his amazement they both resolved to accept the decision of Yehovah and to laugh joyously, because nothing is impossible for Yehovah in what he can do for those that are loyal to him through everything and endure to the end.

So we see the love and the laughter and the joy were focused on this child Isaac and it is this love and this type of love that is given the name the word ahab.

Once we can identify this love for his son Isaac, this laughter for a miraculous gift from Yehovah we can also identify this love in other activities of Abraham, his love for Yehovah and his love for Sarah all surpassing even his love for Ishmael and his love for his camp and followers and his family. All these actions and behaviours reflect this incredible love and laughter released by the promise and the birth of Isaac

If anyone thinks that they have grasped what love is from meditating upon this concrete example, then may Yehovah Grant them continuing understanding and wisdom in this knowledge because love is stronger than death is, and outweighs all passions and Endures all Hopelessness by Yehovah and the loyal love of those covenants to you, and your loyal responding love to everything that he promises to you and prods you to do for him and to endure with him until he fulfils his promises according to his will.

And now taking this kind of love Yehovah applies it to himself and to his covenant with his special wants as he expands upon it through the teachings and the experiences of Moses. Because to be sure it is a matchless and pure and bottomless behaviour which spares nothing in order to fulfil and to achieve the will of Yehovah .

And finally we find this love personified once again by the behaviour exhibited by his son Yhshua , Which behaviour in obedience to the will of Yehovah Will indeed bring laughter to all who embrace it to its final end.

I would encourage you to explore this love as the goal of your life appreciating that every day and in every way you will understand it better and deeper as you practice it according to the instructions of your father Yehovah whose loving behaviour it is. If you love according to his instructions you will laugh and you will live in joy with all those that love him.

This song illustrates the peculiar nature of human love when some of our finest poets and musicians try to grapple with the concept and so obviously fail to express it completely and properly.

Why do we listen to those who so obviously do not comprehend love?

The only one that we can rely on is Yehovah and he gave to us one human being to demonstrate the possibility of humans understanding and expressing his love, that person being Yhshua The Jewish tzadiq .

The question also arises: why Abraham? Why not Adam or why not Noah? And the answer seems to be because the exclusivity of the love of Yehovah required a childless man and a childless couple to make the point crystal clear. And to that end Ishmael was a possible distraction. It highlights one lesson which is that human ingenuity and thought or planning and desire does not fulfil the will of Yehovah no matter how much we think or feel that it does or it should. And that is why Ishmael had to be sent away, because no human being understands the love of Yehovah in its singularity and its exclusivity. And it is this singularity and this exclusivity which guarantees unity. Adams children did not bring unity to the Earth, Noahs children could not bring unity to the Earth and Abraham’s children are not unified in the Earth even to this day! But the children of Yehovah by means of Yhshua are unified and will bring unity to this planet even if it costs them they are very breathing blood beings!

Abraham was singular in his devotion to Yehovah and came to understand that his life support reliance was fixed on a singular entity his name is Yehovah Who brings through his singularity the submission of the whole Earth to himself. And those that wait and endure until it or he brings his salvation his solution will end up laughing with joy having experienced the full love of Yehovah without delusion or illusion, without myth or fairytale or any romantic foolishness that does not comply with the instructions and the powerful wind of Elohim which gives us light and song and the light in the night.

Perhaps we ought to consider how long Yehovah had to wait to get the perfect sun. We have to realise that the Earth and all the creation in it eager to give birth to the perfect son Adam to Elohim , But unfortunately this was not the one that Yehovah chose. So the explanation of Abrahams long wait is to communicate to us how long Yehovah had to wait and how he also had to reject the earths first offering just like Abraham had to reject or send Ishmael away, Sarah‘s first offering. And on a national level Yehovah had to reject his first born son Israel, just as Paul explained because nothing but perfection is really good enough for Yehovah which perfection he found in his son his chosen son
Yhshua. So what kind of love is it that Yehovah has for us if after so long a wait he allows his perfect son to be killed by those he wishes to make perfect if they will only choose it? Only Yehovah Truly understands the twisted chest cavity of his creation Adam and how to rescue success from the jaws of defeat.

So let us study this love, seeing as it is so great and so complex and so infectious in its laughter and it’s joy.