Why Christianity is so Divided

Why is the body of Yhshua, the bride of the Meshiach divided, split off into sects with different “doctrines”, doctrinal differences?

The reason is that like Eve the she mate of the he mate Adam she has listened to Nachash. They have fallen under the “spell” of the gospel of the tester, also the father of falsehoods. We have all been taken in and spewed out of his mouth.

There is one father Yehovah who created one son in the womb of Mariam as the second Adam, the last Adam. And he placed that son in the garden to take care of it and showed him the tree of living things and the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. And he chose the tree of living things! But we have chosen the tree of the knowledge of good and bad, if we are listening to the prosecutor and not to the son -Yhshua from Nazareth.

For he, being the son, and seeing the father and all his goodness humbled himself and chose the tree of living things and the tree of pure doctrine and the tree of understanding and wisdom. And by the fruit of that tree he has given existence to his bride, to that part of the body which he woke up to after a little sleep. But she, you and I have not eaten off the tree of living things, if we continue to look on every other tree in the garden, and to listen to every whisper of that hissing deceiver we believe we will not die! That is the first lie and the father of them all.

If we do not listen to the instructions of our father, and more urgently to the instructions of our husband to be  – Yhshua from Nazareth, then we have no part in the living things to come and we are on our way to dying, to being a wet patch that marks a spot in the earth!

Stop looking at the tree of the knowledge of good and bad. Stop listening to the scientists and to the medical practitioners and to the financial advisors and to the property owners and to the farmers who plough their ground without giving it a rest. Stop listening to the manufacturers of technology and phones and televisions and satellites and rockets. Stop seeing the good when there is only bad in the chest cavity of all these men and women. They are sorcerers, witches, and schemers and are full of darkness calling it light.

Stop eating from the fruit of this tree of the knowledge of good and bad, which looks so good and gives so many people false wisdom and false hopes; which empowers people to tell you how to get rich, to live the life that you want to live, to be free from anxiety and to be able to love your children and your family! These are all lies! While you live on the high hog you trample the face of the poor into the dust! Where is tzadeqah?

Instead turn back to Yehovah. Even you who are in repentance who wants to come back to the source, even you who are pigs and swine! But Yehovah is gracious in that he has given us his son to change us into flocks of sheep with willing chest cavities! He who is the second Adam and who is humble and not presumptuous and has eaten from the tree of living things has one pure doctrine. If you are his and love him you have one pure doctrine. There are no doctrinal differences if you are his servants. One Elohim, one Lord, and one wind energy that combines us all.

Stop listening to that liar for there is only one doctrine but there are many understandings! And so why would you split away from your brother because you understand the doctrine, the one doctrine differently!?

All of you who know the doctrine of Yehovah have been given the same doctrine by his son Yhshua. But not all of you can understand it to the same degree, at the same level. And therefore those that understand more are there to help those who understand the least to grow in the grace and the knowledge of Yhshua. Your understanding is not a reason to divide off from your brother. It is a reason for you to come together with your brother and with your lord underneath the one doctrine of your father Yehovah, and learn to love one another in this way to build up each other into the perfect and obedient bride of Yhshua.

But, you say, how can this be done? You sons of Adam, to you everything is impossible but to our father Elohim all things can be achieved to those that love him and love his son and are filled with his decontaminating wind energy which is fruit from the tree of living things.

Hallejulia Yehovah! That means ullulate “Yahh!” Yodel his short name out of sheer joy and excitement!

The Seven Churches of Revelations

There are four responses identified by Yhshua to all those who sow seed. This seed is the good news of the Imperial administration and how to gain access to this future world empire.

What are the benefits of this Imperial administration of Elohim? They are very great indeed having chiefly the qualities of mercy and exclusive privileges followed by the correct sharing and stewardship of resources to all its citizens so that there is a direct balance between everything and everyone, and the joy of opportunity, challenge and pure thrill of achievement for all who are under its administration.

But who will believe this report of the good news, who will understand that these are to be the benefits? The answer is the children of Israel and the children of Abraham wherever they are around this world for it is these people who have had experience of the goodness and the joy of Elohim. All the other nations do not have a deep and abiding understanding of this incredible human potential and so this good news will seem to them like a fairy-tale or unrealistic nonsense. This is because they have had no experience of Elohim, but rather have spent their time under the delusions and the masquerades and the falsehoods of another wind being who is totally subservient to the creator whose name is Nachash, sometimes referred to as a snake or a great worm, or a razor toothed jackal or wolf. The concept of a dragon is completely mythological.

As a consequence of this arrangement the process of sowing seed reveals four typical outcomes or four responses in the case of proclaiming the good news.

The first intended response is the good harvest; the second response is a poor harvest because of weeds choking the growth; the third but unintended response is very fast growing plants right on the edge of the good soil where they cannot form a good root; and the fourth unintended result is that the seed falls on the roadside or on ground that can’t receive it and it becomes food for the birds or any other foraging creature.

These four responses can only produce seven results, seven gatherings to be considered for harvest. This should remind you of the seven gatherings that are under the control of Yhshua.

The first result is good seed in good well-prepared land and this should produce a good and abundant harvest. This represents sowing the seed to the Jew or to the Israelite nations who have received and studied the acts of Yehovah.

However to this well-prepared ground the snake has added seeds from weeds and lookalike plants. So the seed when it grows up is choked and the yield reduced by these infiltrations which have not been removed prior to sowing. This produces poor harvest, a gathering which is disappointing but still has some result. This represents those in the Jewish nation or the Ephraimite nation who have been assimilated into the surrounding cultures and therefore does not have any real connection with my Yehovah. However they are in an environment which inspires them to a certain amount of growth if they struggle really hard to avoid the choking affect of others around them.

The third result is surprising. It is a sudden and unexpected joyous response which quickly produces a gathering with potential. However the nature of this gathering is revealed as soon as hardships come, and the gathering dissipates, falls over and barely survives. This is because these people who are being represented are right on the edge of the Israelites and Jewish communities and well into the surrounding cultures. So they have no understanding of what the message, the good news is actually offering, and what is involved in attaining to it. So they are presented immediately with difficulties when persecution comes because they were not properly prepared for the course of the race to which they were called and their lack and unsuitability for this calling was not made plain to them and remedied.

Those who are outside the Israelites and Jewish nation will not understand this message at all and so what they hear and will have no effect on them and will be in fact be removed by the workings of the snake, so there is no fourth gathering.

However there are four other gatherings that exist. The fourth type of gathering and the fifth type of gathering are a combination or a joining together of the good crops, or rather those who are well prepared to receive this good news with those who are not so well prepared, who have no real affiliation with the Israelites or the Jewish nation but nevertheless are excited by the good news. If those that are choked will bind themselves to the good seed, or those that spring up quickly without any roots bind themselves to the good seed then there is hope for them that they might be transformed by this relationship into pulling through and themselves becoming good seed fit for a good harvest.

However, the sixth gathering is where the seeds that will grow up to be choked are combined with the seeds that spring up immediately without any real foundation in their relationship with Yehovah. The prospects for this gathering are not good, but with a lot of hard work some harvest might be obtained.

The seventh and final grouping is a combination of all three, the good seed, the seed that is choked and the seed that springs up without any roots. Indeed this might be the most common of all gatherings. Within this kind of gathering will be found those who are well prepared through their relationship with Elohim and so go onto produce good fruit and a good harvest and their example enables both those who would be choked and those who have no roots to latch onto a way for them to attain to the good harvest. These kinds of gatherings will produce more fruit than the sixth result but it does require extensive love and management within this kind of gathering. It is the kind of gathering that will need a lot of creative and directive teaching and experiences of hardship.

These seven types of gathering are represented in the account of the seven gatherings in Revelations. They only exist because of the love and care and concern of the father to produce fruit as best as these gatherings can that are able to pay attention to the instructions given to them by the good Shepherd, even Yhshua, because he desires that every one of these gatherings produces as much fruit as it can to present it before our father.

The Choices That Curse You

Awun, pasha and chatatah are three behaviours that Yehovah wants to eradicate from his servants and they relate to a covenant in which agreed practices are laid out with benedictions for compliance and curses: yes curses for non-compliance, however small.

We live in a culture which accepts that it is okay to break covenant. It screams when the penalties or the retributions under the covenants are exacted and finds counter arguments to minimise or eliminate them! These consequences are usually financial and sometime result in loss of liberty and can be devastating. How will we just continue on with our constant covenant breaking as if this is an acceptable way to go on?

The consequences of breaking a covenant with Yehovah are curses which in many cases are often worse than death but also include death. Many people do not want to think about these curses but they are very real and act immediately when one of the stipulations of the covenant is broken. This broken stipulation or chopped and chipped out piece of the covenant or even deviation from the stipulation, or some chosen alternative to the stipulation immediately calls down the curse on the covenant violator. This curse can come in a devastating way or just build up slowly over time. But it is inevitable and cannot be removed by the covenant breaker even if he returns to the covenant. It simply doesn’t work like that! The penalty or the curse will exact its price.

But for those who understand what I am writing there is a provision within the covenant with Yehovah to appeal for grace and for this curse to be lifted. So it can’t be said that the covenant Yehovah made with Israel and particularly with all his descendants is inhumane. Instead it must be said of the all covenants that exist it is the most humane and in fact encourages covenant keeping by means of the proper exercise of this grace.

It enables us to use the metaphor of the covenant as a trainer or tutor who when seeing the mistakes points it out and encourages the students to correct it, and also encourages the student to forsake the mistaken ways and return to the covenant by means of an exercise of grace. The grade with a mark that was obtained will be blotted out, a new leaf will be overturned and the student will be as if he had never made the mistake in the first place. But this means the student is encouraged to excellence and to faithful performance of the stipulations of the covenant building up a perfect score which endures over time.

The apostle Paul trying to communicate this to the nations who would not have been brought up under the covenant of Israel and so would not know how it worked. That is not to say that they were ignorant of covenants because they made many covenants, the Romans particularly on the slaughter of the pig and the spilling of its blood all around the place! And they had many consequences but the grace which they extended to one another in no way reflected the character and the attitude of Yehovah who although being merciful is not a human being, and is not merciful as some human beings would count it!

There is an exacting requirement to fulfil the terms of an uncontaminated being! Only this uncontaminated being can decontaminate you! So therefore you have to pay attention to how and when and where he says you have to do this decontamination. If you deviate from this instruction even a little bit the decontamination is not applied! This is why Paul needed to use a metaphor that would get this across to a gentile nation. He also needed to get this across to his own people. The Jews who have come from Egypt and Babylon still hold onto the belief that you can balance out wrongdoings with good deeds! Let’s put it this way – you could decontaminate by doing things according to the stipulations. In other words he did not rely on the mercy of a deity as a part of the covenant; it relied on your ability to convince him that he was being unfair since you were now complying with the covenant! Unfortunately this point of view though human is not the point of view that Yehovah expresses or desires. Perfect performance by faithfully carrying out all the stipulations is what is required.

However as I have pointed out he does give you time and practice to come to the standards if you will rely on his grace and on his instructions on how to do so.

It takes time to reach the standards that Yehovah demands, but he provides every assistance if you really want to reach that standard, and if you really want to be just like him. And most notably he provides the perfect teacher who knows exactly what you need to do individually to achieve that standard over time. That teacher is Yhshua and he teaches you another gift from Yehovah which is the wind energy healing powers you need to correct all faults both physical and wind related, to establish them and confirm them so that they become unbreakable and resistant to all forms of attack. This hardening process takes time and it takes experience of hardship, or rather proving the corrections have been put in place.

So don’t be disheartened, because that means you are relying on your own abilities. Instead be thankful and amazed if you can call out for and receive help to achieve this perfect standard over the course of your life.

But your life is not about achieving a perfect standard, it is about relating to an uncontaminated being and to all those who are his servants in a way which brings him joy and all the people that serve him rejoicing.

Happiness is Yehovah shaped.

The Concept of the Soul

We are not of the arable land. We are of the atmosphere!

For centuries the Christian church has used the word soul from the Greek Pagan philosophers to refer to a divine spark within us. Unfortunately the translators attached this word not to the Nishmat Chaim, which all Hebrew descendants understand as this divine element within this biological lump from the soil and the water of the arable land; instead they attached it to the word nephesh which refers to a breathing and digesting blood being in which a soul or the Nishmat Chaim exists as an impartation from the very breathing of Yehovah!

So, we are not from the arable land and the water! We are from the great and universal Yehovah! By his divine will and wisdom we were made a little lower than his functionaries, all of whom are wind beings like flames of fire! We however are like sodden lumps of clay!

It should give you pause when you consider this. Why was this very personal impartation imbued into clay and soil and water and biological materials from the soil?

The answer to this question is Yhshua from Nazareth. He came after thousands of years in which we humans demonstrated that we needed a new Adam who not only had the Nishmat Chaim but also his decontaminating wind from the tree of living things right from the outset.

The soul is not enough. The Nishmat Chaim is not enough and was not enough. And being a functionary made from his divine will within his wind being is not enough. We need his decontaminating wind from the very outset whether we are made in conjunction with the arable land or whether we made as functionaries of flaming fire. We need his decontaminating wind to be, to relate with, to remain with him who is our creator and the source of all our conscious experiences.

Behold how great he is who made us, so much so that we cannot consciously comprehend or fathom his inexpressible goodness and grace and love. But what a joy it is to try to express! Hallelujah! For however much we may praise him day by day we will find that it is insufficient to declare all of his invincible might and an ending power for good.

Yhshua was created in the womb of Mariam by a special impartation from Yehovah. He was made from the lump and not from the soil and from the atmosphere because he is made to rule over the entire lump which was made to rule over all the creation of Yehovah.

He was not from the soil, he was from the atmosphere! And he was from the decontaminating wind of Yehovah. That is why he knew he was not from the soil but from the atmosphere and what is beyond the atmosphere. For nearly 30 years he demonstrated that those that choose to walk orderly and in obedience to Yehovah, like all the priestly caste and Levites are tasked to do, they will receive an additional decontaminating wind, a seal of dedication and commitment and total absorption into Yehovah.

Yhshua was soaked in the decontaminating wind from Yehovah. This was because Yehova was pleased extremely to be with him as he was pleased extremely to be with his father. And taking this impartation he declared the good news of the Imperial administration, though it had drawn near and was now open for applications for all those who wanted to draw near to Yehovah!  And so all sorts of men, especially those who chopped and changed and chose out of the instructions of Yehovah according to what they desired; they were convicted and they decided to return to full compliance because they did not know fully what was possible and doable but it had such a great incredible potential and reward!

Yhshua set free so many people who are bound by the contaminating wind beings of lies and falsehood and infliction of diseases and unwillingness to share the resources given to them by Yehovah correctly! And now we who believe are convicted and convinced with the help of this one man and the salvation from Yehovah; and by holding onto him and being instructed of him only will arrive at the incredible human potential that Yehovah had set his heart to give to the sons of Adam in the fruit from the tree of living things!

So let us rejoice in this grace and press on in our return and devotion to Yehovah, with singing, with gladness, with joy, with good stewardship whilst sharing the resources that Yehovah has given to us correctly, full of the decontaminating wind from our father which enables us to cry out halleluiah.

We are not from the soil; we are from the atmosphere and if we stand fast against all hard testing we will be born into the atmosphere and into eternal joy and consciousness and beauty and goodness.

But now consciousness is rounded with a little sleep until our Lord returns suddenly in the gift of our father Yehovah. Then we will be woken and clothed with our wind being body, and those of us who are awake at the time will be transformed and moved from our breathing and digesting blood being into a wind being body and we will then be caught up with our Lord to be with him always as his bride!

So our soul does not go up to heaven but remains in a state of sleep in Sheol, the sleeping place of those who await the awakening. Some of us will wake to joy and some who do not know Yhshua in whom is Yehovah, they will rise up to judgement as to why they did not protect and defend the commandments of Yehovah, all the great heap of believers in documents of words which make it plain that this is what we are called to do!

So I say rejoice, I say make up songs and sing while you work six days! And on the seventh day show great respect to it by bending your knees and expressing goodwill but not only to the day and not only to Yehovah and to Yhshua but to all his servants and all his creation, being glad to share correctly all these resources with those also created by Yehovah through his functionaries. And as our father is decontaminated let us also be decontaminated, starting by isolating and removing ourselves from all the plans and thoughts and ideas in our chest cavity that are ours, that we desire to produce through our own functionaries and capabilities. Instead let us fill our chest cavities with the uncontaminated readings and the uncontaminated songs in the uncontaminated wisdom given to us by Yehovah.

The Doctrine of the Messiah Taught by Yhshua of Nazareth

Yhshua on the right side of Yehovah was instructing me this morning in one of his corrective doctrines.

The doctrine of the Messiah is a doctrine concocted by the Pharisees and Herodians. The Herodians are descendants from the famous Maccabees family and were opposed by the Sages and the Pharisees and they claim to be Messianic or in the Messianic line. At that time the Messiah as a concept was being constructed from the events initiated by the designated Messiah Cyrus and the prophesied Messiah mentioned by Daniel.

Gradually they drew together all those scripture and verses which seemed to fit the events of history and the events prophesied about the restoration of the kingdom of Israel and the kingdom of priests. This was formulated into a doctrine in which the polarisation between the Rhodians and the Pharisees generated further research and also much strife.

There is no doctrine of the Messiah explicit within the acts of Yehovah because this was going to be drawn out explicitly by his son Yhshua in the acts of Yhshua.

After feeding a large group of his followers by the power of Elohim emphasising that he was the bread from the atmosphere that Yehovah had foreshadowed or set up as a metaphor by means of manner, Yhshua began to tackle the misconceptions promulgated by the Herodians and the Pharisees.

He started by talking about yeast. His disciples who were not the smartest bunch in the box immediately related to the fact that they only had one bread loaf to their name at that point. Yhshua told them off for thinking so shallowly after seeing the miracle of feeding 4000 or possibly 5000 as they were witnesses to both these events. Right now they should have come to the understanding that he spoke in parallels, in parables and in metaphors, and that was so that they could get the message while those who are not his students will be left scratching their heads. However more often than not it was his students, those who went around with him day by day listening to him speak and explain who still didn’t get what it was that he was driving at and they were often afraid to ask.

Drawing their attention to the fact that bread is not the issue they finally got the idea that the yeast was in reference to the doctrine or the teachings or the theories or opinions of the Herodians and the Pharisees. There are also other groups who had theories and opinions on  the doctrine which are also warned against, but in this section he is dealing with the doctrine of the Messiah.

This doctrine of the Messiah still exists today amongst the rabbis and the Pharisees with many modifications. It is still taught to those who profess “Judaism“ of the Orthodox or the rabbis of the Chabad movement or those who are teachers of the Kabbalah. However at this time it was really hardwired into the thinking of the Jewish people occupied by Rome seeking a return to the independence.

The history of the Maccabees indicated that it was possible even if a foreign power was dominating the land of Judah, and the Herodians took pride in pointing out that they historically had achieved this state of independence. What they didn’t point out was that they also had brought on to the land of Judah the occupation of Rome by the treaties with the Romans.

The Pharisees on the other hand rejected the Herodian’s claims and drew from the scriptures a doctrine of a Messiah who would restore Israel to its greatness and restore everything, sort out all the problems and set right any false doctrines removing all those who were opposed to the teachings of the Torah etc.

There was another group, the Essenes who believed that by perfectly practising the Torah they could bring this desire or teach of righteousness into affect immediately to fight the Romans and restore Israel.

Yhshua when he came onto the scene promoted by John the dipper knew that he was a complex entity in the plan of Yehovah. He was a prophet, a priest, and the sign, a sacrifice, source of salvation, a teacher and eventually a judge of all humanity. But first he had to fulfil all the prophetic and laid out purposes of Yehovah. These purposes were ignored by the Herodians and also by the Pharisees, and therefore the concept of a messianic intervention was completely false and misleading.

So on the occasion that Yehovah gave Simon and Peter the insight to declare that Yhshua was Messiah in his opinion Yhshua looked on his students, especially the close ones and saw that they were totally confused and not all believed that he was the Messiah; some thought he was the prophet, some thought he might be Elijah and some just didn’t know. So Yhshua began to teach them from that point on the concept of the Messiah that he wanted his students to understand and promote.

It started not with the conquering King defeating the Roman occupation, but with a humble servant who was beaten and defeated and killed for a purpose. The purpose was initiated and put in place by Yehovah and was way above the heads of the Herodians, the Pharisees and his students.

It was necessary to drum this concept of the Messiah he was teaching as doctrines into their heads over and over again because they just didn’t understand what he was saying and it didn’t square with what they were taught by the Herodians and by the Pharisees and they didn’t understand what he meant by the concept of the resurrection.

Now Simon took it upon himself to try and correct Yhshua according to his understanding of the Messiah taught to him by the Herodians and the Pharisees. He found that he had stepped upon a rattlesnake! He was immediately rebuked and identified as an adversary to Yehovah in front of all the students! He was roundly slapped down, and that put fear in all the other students with regard to trying to steer their master according to their way of thinking.

They still didn’t get it but they couldn’t deny the miracles, healing, the words of wisdom and the obvious grace shown to Yhshua by Elohim and so they went along with him, holding on by means of their firm convictions that he had to be the one that they were looking for.

Yhshua continued to teach and expand upon his concept of the Messiah, and then he said there will be some that would see the kingdom or the administration of Elohim which would back up his teachings. Shortly after that he took three special students with him up the hill and gave praise to Yehovah who then granted them a vision.

In the vision they saw Yhshua, Moses and Elijah together, with Moses and Elijah at the feet of Yhshua on his right side and on his left. Peter terrified but ever the one to speak out offered to build booths for the three of them, as they were coming up to the feast of Sukkot, then a cloud appeared and a voice boomed down to them saying “this is son with whom I am well pleased. Listen to what he’s telling you and show and tell it to others”!

Then the vision disappeared and they came down the hill and Yhshua told them not to tell anybody what they had seen until after he had risen from the dead.

They did not understand what he meant by “risen from the dead“ because they were listening to what he was saying about him having to suffer, to be beaten, to be humiliated and to die.

So one of them said: “Why do the teachers of the traditions we live by – the Halakah say that Elijah must come first”? This was like a red rag to a bull. The teachers of the law, the Pharisees, the Herodians were all teaching them the wrong thing. And he had told them not to pay attention or to beware of the teachings. In addition to that he had arranged for them to have a clear and undeniable vision of the Imperial administration of Elohim in which the father specifically told them to pay attention only to Yhshua. So he answered them by showing them that the teachers they were listening to did not understand these prophecies. For Elijah had come in the form of John the dipper and they didn’t recognise him. Neither did his students until that time and then he said to them “why does it say in the scripture that the son of man must suffer and be rejected and be killed”?

In this statement he was pointing out the deficiency in the doctrine of the Pharisees and the Herodians. They have picked and chosen those versus or those scriptures which supported their position and left out those other difficult scriptures which they didn’t understand. He wanted his students to understand the full picture which he was teaching them. It was him they should be listening to.

The doctrine of the Messiah eventually sunk into their understanding of consciousness after all the events took place as he had taught them consistently from that time onwards. And it was only after he was risen that he was able to persuade them to let go of the doctrine of the Herodians and the Pharisees and the Essenes and to take hold of and to proclaim his doctrine.

The doctrine of the Messiah and many other doctrines that Yhshua talked to his students about are explained principally in the acts of Yhshua. It was necessary to have an expert in the “law“ to ram these points home and this is why he chose Saul to spearhead these doctrines into the nations as well as into the hearts and minds of his own people.

Among the students of Yhshua were people from all walks of life forming a group or sect who needed to understand the doctrine of Yhshua and to be freed from the doctrine of the fantasies of the Pharisees and of the Herodians and any other groups. The teachings of Yhshua have been faithfully passed on even when they were not understood by his close students. But by means of the decontaminating wind and the sharp and incisive words of Saul these teachings were emphasised and clarified and made consistent with the teachings of Yehovah and his son Yhshua.

Many want to twist away from the words of our father Yehovah, twist away also from our Lord Yhshua because he taught us only those words given to him by Yehovah and revealing to us the true relationship and appreciation of Yehovah. At least you know you are in a relationship with the father: he brings you to his son Yhshua to explain himself to you and by this you know that you are in a relationship with Yhshua. He brings you into obedience in your walk to the instructions and the love and the purposes of his father Yehovah. Nothing contradicts the purposes of the father.

The Doctrine of the Trinity Revised. 

The doctrine of the Trinity, a Catholic doctrine, like the doctrine contrition, another Catholic doctrine took many centuries to formulate and then produced the fruit of death to all who disagreed!

However many students of Yhshua are confused by the statements in the words within the acts of Yhshua, and especially in the good news on the lips of Yochanan.

The problem lies in the translation from the Hebrew to the Greek in that in Hebrew there is a limited set of prepositions and in Greek there are many more. This means that the prepositions in Hebrew are flexible and can carry many subtle meanings whereas in Greek the prepositions are more fixed and rigid and lead to fixations and doctrinal controversies and ultimately sectarianism. One side calling the other side heretical and finally giving room and space to the evil one to carry out once again the murder of Abel.

The solution is simple, as always because we need the simple teachings! We go to the source, we go to the father, we go to Yehovah because it is unique and universal and there is only one! And we cannot make a mistake when there is only one. This father spent a great deal of time inculcating into his witnesses from the sons of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob also known as Israel is fundamental teaching: there is only one Yehovah but it is unique and universal. Therefore everything exists in it, by it, and because of its will.

Now this one unique universal entity designed a reproducing model of itself. And this reproducing model had a purpose of filling the entire universe allotted to it. I cannot say more because I am not this unique and universal entity.

From the beginning this was the purpose of humanity, and because our creator will always succeed this is the future and potential of humanity. Along the way adjustments have been made to fulfil the purpose, and one of these adjustments was to produce a perfect model to exemplify exactly what was on offer and what needed to be done to achieve the potential. This model was and is Yhshua from Nazareth.

From the beginning humanity was designed to operate with and in Yehovah. The connection was made so that humanity could always receive instruction and help direction and insight, guidance and procedures from Yehovah and this was how they would always bare fruit. The main portal for this connection was Adam and his she-mate Eve. They failed and so Yehovah constructed a better model with better promises and better able to fulfil the purpose of Yehovah.

So we now see that the structure is very simple, the one Yehovah is with and in and operates through the one Yhshua. And then having achieved the successful completion of this part of the mission the second part is revealed to be a transformation.

The transformation is into the very nature and consistency and constitution and makeup of Yehovah and that is as wind energy. So when Yhshua was raised from the dead it was confirmed that Yehovah was in him and with him as many of his students suspected during his life as a flesh and blood and bone human being and this is why Thomas said to Yhshua “Adoni “ and to Yehovah who was and is and always has been with him “ elohi “. Now the third stage was to be in his students and in the world by means of the wind energy.

So what we have is the ubiquitous “Russian doll“. And outside we see the wind energy of Yehovah and Yhshua but within that wind energy is Yhshua who has within him our father Yehovah.

This is what we see from our perspective. From Yehovah’s perspective everything is within him or it “but specifically within it is this perfect model called Yhshua and then finally specifically within him is the wind energy that decontaminates.

Within this structure then is everything that we need to know and understand. We are in Yhshua and he is in our father Yehovah and by this relationship our father is in him and he with our father is in us.

There is only one father and only one son and we will become one spirit with him and all will be in unity. This is the only way unity can exist throughout the entire universe.

As one would expect unity must be unique!

Qorab – The Missing Meaning

I give thanks to Yehovah – the one who gives me success, because by means of his son Joshua from Nazareth he has brought me close to him and he has drawn close to me so that I might through Joshua from Nazareth produce much fruit.

Yehovah has answered my prayers concerning proclaiming the good news of the Imperial administration and is now playing to me what the good news is.

The good news, the excellent news is that the Imperial administration of Elohim has drawn close to his people, the children of Israel and to all who would associate with him and with them! Because he has drawn close we can approach him closely to receive from him benediction and correction, insight and guidance, decontamination and stewardship.

The good news about the Imperial administration of Elohim is bound up in the verb lqrb. This is a concrete concept in Hebrew which is fully explained in vyiqra – the middle book of the five books of Moses called the Torah. Why is this book in the middle so significant?

This book explains how an uncontaminated entity full of love, opportunity, joy and exciting prospects can approach or draw near to, or come close by or stand next to, or be in the midst of a contaminated mess that stinks and putrefies and self-destructs!

This uncontaminated entity, the universe that created us, the unique and the universal one that took pleasure in bringing into existence or things with the special purpose of multiplying himself exactly and fruitfully like a never ending and repeating fractal pattern. This entity is unique and in and of itself brought forth the wisdom and the understanding, the economic judgement and the self-discipline and the instructions of how to perform this mighty miracle reproducing himself forever.

Therefore by that wisdom all things were created by his command, and his sayings will be eagerly realised by wind functionaries eager to perform his instructions, to carry out his plan and to fulfil his purpose.

And finally, as the combination of six exciting and joyous days of expressive and appreciative, beautiful and creative artistry he and his wind functionaries convened to make the ultimate representation of all of them, the ultimate representation of Elohim. However this was to be in a clay plaster casts form produced by the master potter.

So this master potter took a lump of soil that was malleable, formed from the dust as all potters know how to turn clay particles into a lump of clay. And this lump was moulded into a shadow cast mould of Elohim and poured into an exact plaster cast mould of itself.

All the wind functionaries who performed willingly the instructions and the commands in the plans of Elohim found a representation within this formed lump. For the wind functionaries are distinguished by their functions and not by their form, by their consciousness and not by how they appear

and all together they form a single unity that looks like Elohim.

Having made this unity Yehovah split it into two functioning parts of the unity. This plan was laid out in all of his or its creative works,  especially in the works performed in the garden, in the plants that produced seed and in the flowering trees and plants that produce fruit with seed in it. The two parts being the part that carries the ignition key that starts everything, and the part that carries the biological womb or matrix that creates everything once started. Both parts are necessary to produce the full reproductive entity that is Yehovah like.

To this working model was given the ability to reproduce like Elohim, but in fact this ability to reproduce was given to the fish of the sea and the birds and wind creatures of the air and to the reproducing things that wriggled about in the soil as well as to the herding animals and the breathing and digesting entities that moved about on the Earth! These creatures are respected and honoured and had goodwill expressed to them personally by Yehovah, an act that his wind functionaries never received or expected to receive. As his servants their role was to fully comply with his will and receive the rewards for doing so.

And so these human beings were given representative abilities and powers to be like Yehovah and to manage and command others just like Elohim and to provide for them and feed them from their own hands and from what they produce by their own industry!

This was the purpose that was explained to the first mating pair that he made; Adam and Eve and behold it was exceedingly exciting, purposeful, adventurous and engaging.

However there was one requirement that had to be fulfilled and that had to do with their will.

A test was placed before them to see where their will, given to them freely and graciously by Yehovah would take them. Would they choose in association with Yehovah, being near to, and being able to approach, and being related to this entity; would they choose to be just like him?

They were given will and discretion and ability to work discreetly and covertly with all of the creations of Elohim and they were not afraid. Nothing phased them or made their faces go white with terror, or embarrassment or guilt or uncertainty. Instead in association with Yehovah in their garden they carried out their duties skilfully, joyfully and with great fellowship and fellow feeling.

So the tester, the prosecutor, the one assigned to check out what their will was came to them with the same amount of wisdom and discretion that they had and spoke to them concerning the provisions that Yehovah had made and also the policies and procedures that he had spoken to them about.

He zeroed in on the she-mate, and this is because the he-mate was being protected by the she-mate as a front to him and so he could not go directly for the he-mate. However he focused in on one of the functions of the 

she-mate which is to help provide sustenance for the he-mate, especially when he comes in from working in the garden or comes home from doing his duties outside.

He asked her simply, and with guile, whether she could eat of everything in the garden. And she explained that they could except for one tree. And she also explained that tree if they touched it it would be the death of them; it would be them being dissolved back into a watery mess in the ground!

She passed the test except there was one trick up the prosecutors sleeve. That trick was to lie!

Strictly speaking he negated the direct and truthful instruction of Yehovah. This is something that Yehovah cannot do, because  he is unique and universal it is impossible for him to lie! Only those who are limited can live or come up with the negation of their actual experience.

Strangely this was appealing to the woman, having the fear of dissolving out of existence removed as a certainty devoted her senses in the eyes and in taste to exploring the fruit of the tree of death. This disguises the tree of the fruit of good things and bad things! The worst thing that this tree can give you as a fruit is death, and every fruit from this tree deceives you and camouflages its poisonous and deadly outcome.

Although this was a lie, it revealed that the will of a human being is not steadfast or rock like like the will of Yehovah. In that instance it was time for Plan B.

Plan B is the need for the perfect human being to show the way to all the defective ones. The perfect human being would be wise, discreet and cunning, knowledgeable and fearing everything that Yehovah can and could do and remaining loyal and faithful and grounded solidly in the mind, the will and the purpose in the policies of Yehovah. Above all they would not lie, they would not negate the true things that Yehovah talked and transmitted to all his servants and all his people.

Plan B involved separating from himself all those who were contaminated, and drawing close to himself all those who chose to be decontaminated and to remain uncontaminated. As Yehovah developed the family of the human beings he found that they grew worse and worse and he regretted ever having made human beings because they made everything that was light and beautiful dark and ugly.

However, due to his grace and kindness he continued with Plan B but he did clean up the scene a lot! He wiped away the disgusting people and disgusting things that they had done and he resurfaced the Earth with water and with clean soil, and then he started again with eight people; the sons of Noah and their wives with Noah and his wife.

Also at this time he made the provision that he would slow things down and only give a man a lifespan of around 120 or so years, that is 120 years of striving with his wind energy in order to establish whether that particular human being passed the test and chose at every and in every situation to perform the will of Yehovah as his own. This was comforting to him who was discomfited by all the pain and horror that men brought upon themselves by disobeying him, because he knew and made sure that it would happen, that there would be the perfect man who would perfectly obey every commandment and every desire that was in his heart.

In fact he found a man called Enoch who delighted him so greatly that he took him. It was too soon for this man to be the salvation of humanity. However the Nishmat Chaim of this man was probably the one that was used to infuse into Mariam’s womb, and in the ovum in that womb, the very character and characteristics that he wanted in the perfect man. That perfect man was given the name Yeshuat, Yehovah or Yhshua.

When the son of man makes references to his existence before the world began and being before Abraham he is most likely referring to this human being, much favoured and much loved by Yehovah; his previous name was Enoch.

So we see the basic nature of a life, and that is a good life exist with those who draw near to Yehovah, well those of a life that is bad mixed with good and ends in death of those who are sent away from the presence of Yehovah and walk like Kane in the land of Nod.

In vyiqra the “secret,“ the practices and behaviours and attitudes needed to draw close to Yehovah are fully declared and explained. With one secret within them which is the secret of the necessary sacrifice of the teacher Yhshua.

Throughout the history of the kingdom of Israel and Judah we see the effect of drawing near to Yehovah and of drawing away from Yehovah. True to his word in the Torah he explained that if we draw near to him he will draw near to us and if we turn away from him he will turn away from us.

The good news is that we do not control his behaviour. And out of his grace he has elected to draw near to us! At this time because now his son Yhshua was effectively interposed into the history and the reality of the Jewish people and the Israelite nation he with great joy declared that he was drawing near to us and has drawn near to us and is next to us! This is very good news, excellent news.

We still have to respond to this gracious act by returning to him, and there is only one way to return to him and that is by means of his son Yhshua. This offer is always open at any time 24/7 and has been for the past 2000 odd years, and it will continue to be open until the time when all things are finalised. The good news is Yehovah is no longer going to hide his face away from us, to draw away from us, instead he is always going to be near us or next to us ready to receive us when we turn back to him and bring our audience offerings draw close to him.

How do we do this?

We listen to the instructions of his son Yhshua and decontaminate ourselves as he instructs in the book of vyiqra and we go about the work of proclaiming the good news, that the Imperial administration has drawn near to us, is near to us will be near to us and all we have to do is draw near to it to receive incredible human potential. 

The good news then is that the Imperial administration of Elohim has drawn near to us and that is confirmed by the Prince of this Imperial administration, that is the son of Elohim who was confirmed and identified as trustworthy by being resurrected from the dead after performing many many miracles and teaching many many firm and motherly  supportive teachings which have, and continue to improve the lives of those who accept them.

And he will continue to do so from the throne of his father until he has given the throne of his fourth father David, as one of his many thrones that he will administer and rule over with a rod of iron. Make no mistake, this period of grace is hedged about the thicket of thorns and a period of pains to all those who are uncertain in their ways and their conviction.

We are qorban – that is a gift specially reserved for coming into the presence of our great king and creator at the gate of his tabernacle. It is reasonable for us to present ourselves in this way as our Lord Yhshua did exactly the same for all who want to draw near to our father as we do.

Gather round new pigs, use wine in return to Elohim as the Imperial administration of Elohim is passing by!

This was the cry, the announcement of Yhshua from Nazareth as he went about proclaiming the good news of the Imperial administration, gathering together all those who had made up their minds to return to Yehovah because of the teachings and proclamations of Yochanan the dipper! And indeed all who would desire to return to Elohim, to become clean, to reconnect and to apply to be in the Imperial administration of Elohim.

Qrb – the verb is a concrete action of bringing after harvesting the qreb of an animal sacrifice or hunt. The basic meaning from the pictographs is the human that drills through the house or the intelligent entity that drills through the tent. This is a very good basic description of the entrails of living things, the throat and stomach, intestines, bowels, the blood, the kidneys and even the heart.

When an animal is killed the intestines have to be quickly removed and most handlers can do this efficiently and within minutes. They can then take the remaining carcass and wash it,  strip it of it’s outer layer of skin and begin to either roast or section into cuts from the flesh.

But what is to be done with the entrails? The blood is always poured out into the ground by the instruction of Yehovah or pulled out around the altar but the entrails contain bits which are covered in fat which in fact also must not be eaten.

According to the instructions of Yehovah these pieces are to be made to smoke on the altar to produce a pleasant smell. Which pieces exactly the priest would identify when you bring the entrails to him. The rest of it may either be discarded or some parts of it can be processed.

The purpose of bringing it to the priest, or rather bringing it to Yehovah is to either ask benediction or to express gratitude or to confirm the relationship that you have with Yehovah, relationship of love and stewardship and thankgiving. Relationship in which you acknowledge that your source of supply of everything that you require to live is Yehovah.

So immediately these entrails are excavated from the body and the thought is to approach or bring them to the priest or to Yehovah in order to ask a favour or to establish a firm relationship with him.

This word therefore directly refers to the innards or intestines or bowels of an animal or human being including the womb, but as an action refers to bringing this evisceration to Yehovah for goodwill.

Therefore when this verb is used it does not simply mean to get nearby or to come next to. It has all this rich association of reliance and relationship with Elohim. When Yehovah says that if you do not express this relationship with him he will not express that relationship with you which it makes it futile to bring a sacrifice or any entrails to any other entity. Yehovah will not express goodwill to you, he will not be in the place where you are making the sacrifice, and consequently you will receive nothing good from doing it.

If however you genuinely present these things to Yehovah he will be there to receive them and will show satisfaction in them. If you look at the case of Cain and Abel you come to understand that this lesson was taught right from the very beginning to the first recorded children of Adam!

So what is the good news? The good news is that Yehovah will always be present for you to offer this, offering all this sacrifice to him, his Imperial administration will no longer back away from you, indeed it is passing through you, all nations calling you to come and make your supplications and applications freely.

What this means is anyone who really desires it can now come to the Imperial administration and ask for favour and it will be considered and given to him if he asks in the way taught by Yhshua from Nazareth.

In this messy and confused unreliable world anyone of us simply by turning to Yehovah in the way taught to us by Yhshua from Nazareth will be accepted and will be able to make application to enter or join the Imperial administration of Elohim.

Now some say that Yhshua died so that we can have this privilege. But in fact that is inaccurate. When Yehovah presented his son before the Jewish nation he also presented all these expressions of goodwill including the forgiveness of our chopping and changing of his instructions, our cutting out and selecting what he has instructed us to do and our twisting away from the path he wants us to walk in. 

The reason why he died or as he put it lay down his life was to show once and for all that he was conqueror of all including death. By means of the great power of his father Yehovah, by his grace this whole gift was planned, purpose and executed; he was raised up from the dead showing that not even death could stop him from performing his father’s will and that indeed it was for all humans to conquer of all things that we fear and completely get depressed and our entrails get all twisted up inside about. 

So you miss this when you have these simplistic interpretations or translations which leave you more confused than understanding. We are all “dirty rags”, we are all swines and pigs, but we can return to Elohim and be converted into his sheep and put under his Shepherd and walk in obedience to the father just as heeded by means of the decontaminating wind and the exact and exacting leadership of Yhshua.

And so he was calling together all the pigs or swines who were returning to Elohim by the proclamations and teachings of Yochanan the dipper and gathering them around him and proclaiming to them that the Imperial administration was passing through their region, in the town, the city, even by their house. So they should gather and meet it and make this application and applications to it while they have the chance.

In his day it was a great privilege to receive this invitation directly from the mouth of the Prince of peace, the son of Yehovah, who confirmed the veracity of his words by many miracles, and was established as a faithful witness by Elohim through a resurrection after three days according to the prophets. However it was also hard to understand how this all could be.

Those that lived and walked and talked with him saw that this was a valiant, strong but humble man dedicated to the work that his father had given him, and enduring all manner of sufferings in order to get this good news out to as many as he could before he was unlawfully taken and wickedly beaten and cruelly crucified. In that moment every sacrifice ever offered paled into insignificance in the hearts and in the chest cavities of his followers! Their hope seem to be turned into profound hopelessness, the vision into darkness, the clamouring tongues into dry sticks in their mouths and they were gripped by fear and consternation.

So what a great relief to see him again after three days in power in a body like his human form but obviously transformed. And what a joy to see him float up into the atmosphere and disappear into the throne of his father Yehovah. When they returned to Jerusalem it was with full vigour that they practised and taught the way that he taught them to be good Jews and servants of himself and his father.

And in nothing that he taught or said or did was there any contradiction with the teachings of his father. Instead, like Moses he set about correcting all the faults, the false swords and the failures of those who currently guided the people. In one fell swoop he and Yochanan replace the authority of the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Essenes, the Herodians, the Romans etc, indeed any earthly power and established a growing gathering of people whos face and chest cavity was set towards the Imperial administration of Elohim.

Suddenly he will come and restore everything so keep alert and keep awake and watch with him, not falling asleep, watching and praying that you, your family, your friends and indeed your city and your nation might not fall into temptation, but it cannot endure, into testing over and above the endurance of human beings. All these things are coming and how anxious he is that they were already come and the fire was already burning and all these things could be past, destroyed and removed from Elohim’s good creation and purpose.

So enjoy the good news, and make use of this open invitation to return to Elohim and receive all the blessings and good things that he has in store for you.

Oh, yes it won’t be all sunshine with no rain but we will only be discomfited for a little while, and that not beyond what we can endure. And after that endless, boundless limitless joy and opportunity and adventure.

Were Adam and Eve Naked?

Arum – the word in Hebrew which is most commonly mis-translated as nakedness or naked.

Before we start I just want you to think like parents for a minute. When your baby is born what is one of the first things that you do? Most parents will quickly check the baby, wash it and then wrap it in some clothing! They would not leave their child naked.

Arum is derived from the root aram which itself is derived from the root aur. All these concrete concepts refer to skin or hide. The last root refers to the skin covering of the body. And when you look at the skin of animals and men you find a wide variety of organs, for the skin is an organ.

Ranging from hair, fur covered skin to thick scaly and armour like skin; this material has many uses and presentations. It also has a metaphorical use relating exclusively to the skin covering the sexual organs.

All animals are suitably covered or dressed in this skin and do not need “clothes“ which means that most animal’s genitalia can be viewed or used to signal. But in most cases genitalia are protected or concealed in some fold in the skin and only exposed at the time of meeting or arousal. So the main reference is to the patterning and the nature of the skin and for most animals this patterning is important for camouflage and protection in their environment.

A human being generally has delicate skin covered with hair which protects the skin in many ways and also conceals the genitalia and the under arm areas where sweat glands can cause skin irritations and bacterial infections if hair is not allowed to do its job of protecting these areas.

Because of the delicate nature of human skin protective clothing is usually necessary, and this is a distinguishing feature of the human that they need protective clothing. They do not need clothing to cover over their genitalia because these areas are usually covered by hair. So the real meaning of this idea is protective covering.

When did this protective covering become associated with “nakedness?” The concept of nakedness being one which in the first instance refers to exposing the genitalia, and to being insufficiently protected by clothing.

The idea of being insufficiently protected by clothing is a social comment on the status or wealth of the individual. The wealthier and richer person usually being adequately clothed, or clothed with additional ornamentation. Whereas the poor person is usually clothed with a simple rag or some simple garment which at the very least must cover the genitalia.

So we see that this is not referring initially to the genitalia or to anything sexual. It is referring to the protective and camouflaging role of the skin or hide. The modification of the verb to aram draws on this basic concept and highlights the protective and camouflaging nature of the skin as a specific function. As it appears first in reference to human beings it is highlighting the protective and camouflaged nature of the delicate skin. However translators have gone for the crude reference to the genitalia rather than to the skin decoration and its function of camouflaging and protecting them.

The usual concept is Pre-Raphaelite, that is “innocence“ is represented by nakedness and the exposure of the genitals and the erotic zones of the body. But this of course is not what the whole description is about.

The description is about the relationship of the he mate and the she mate with their creator. And understanding that they were in no way “naked“ but were clothed appropriately to their position and the work which they were given in the garden; the reference is to the fact that they worked and blended in with their environment without being afraid or terrified by anything.

Most people who work in the land have to keep an eye out for dangers such as thorns, thistles, wasps, snakes, insects and animals that might be well hidden in the area that they’re working or that might be disturbed in the area that they working. By being aware and working discreetly and carefully they are able to interact with their environment and the creatures within it without causing the creatures or themselves any problems and without any undue anxiety or worries about being bitten, scratched or poisoned or whatever. So the phrase itself is referring to the fact Adam and Eve had a skin covering that blend them in with their environment and an attitude which was not fearful of the environment or indeed of the creator Yehovah.

Taking this notion, therefore we see that nachash also had the same qualities of being well suited and well camouflaged in his environment and able to move discreetly through it without causing alarm or upset. And if we look at the nature of snakes we find out how the camouflage, the skin colouration, the skin protection but also this attribute of not creating panic or disturbing their environment unnecessarily.

In Ezekiel we get a description of nachash which shows him to be far from “naked“ but to be gloriously ariad with all kinds of decorations and indeed to be something to behold. If you can think of each of the scales as a jewel, a precious stone then you will get some idea of the beauty with which he was arrayed and that his skin was therefore very protective and according to the arrangement of the pattern well suited to camouflage in the environment in which he was working.

So what are we to make of Adam and Eve’s behaviour after Eve was mesmerised by this creature and then deceived into eating of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and bad? We see that as it says their eyes were “opened“. And they saw that they were camouflaged and protected and discreet and covert beings, just nachash! But now their approach changed. Instead of being fearless they were now full of fear.

They were full of fear because they also realised that they had disobeyed a direct instruction from Yehovah and so like nachash they now tried to slink away, to hide away and to camouflage themselves in the surrounding leaves and flora so that they could not be “found“ by the voice of Yehovah calling to them in the garden. The Hebrew indicates that they were “playing“ a game of hide and seek with Yehovah hunting them down and them moving into further camouflage or hiding places.

So the interaction with the snake had caused them to become, to behave more like the snake, and also to lose their fearless relationship with the creator and also to some extent with their surroundings and the creatures in their surroundings. They were no longer confident that they could manage the situation as they had done before because they no longer enjoyed the confidence of the favour of Yehovah.

We see in this example patterns which repeat over and over again in our world today. People deciding to go against the instructions and advice of a creator, to rely on their own senses and their own judgement, to be guided by wind beings which they hardly acknowledge or recognise, to be full of fear and anxiety from every little thing in this environment, and the tendency to “pass the buck“, to pass the blame down to the person that they want to be the fall guy or the victim.

Yehovah did change the conditions under which they worked in the environment and the risks which they now faced. And instead of clothing them appropriately for the garden of Eden he made them clothes from the hides of animals which would protect them from the thorns, the thistles, the biting insects and other curses which he now placed on the land which they were now working. Oh yes, and in addition he confirmed his word that they were going to “die“, that is become a wet patch in an area of soil from which they came; marked by some marker.

At the same time as he changed the operating conditions and made them subject to death and dissolution, he also made it plain that he was going to resurrect them back at a time when one of Adam’s seed would crush and destroy the work and the consequences of nachash’s lie on their own disobedience. He would not cast them away and leave them in corruption forever. He was providing them with a solution after a period of time, and a period of testing. And that testing is going to be painful and bruising, but ultimately Adam will win over the snake by means of one of his descendants. And this descendant will restore all things and lift the curse of death, the curse of the land and the curse of disobedience.

And now Yehovah has opened my eyes and shown me that the life of Jacob is a metaphor for the salvation of the sons of Adam and of Adam himself.

If we do like Jacob and like his father Isaac before him and like his father Abraham and resist and fight and overcome our anxieties and fears (our nightmares), if we keep on battling through the night, through the dark until the dawn comes and if we remain steadfast and obedient, and remain in the land and in the hope that Yehovah is giving to us then we will have our names changed! We will be the ones who have been afflicted and beaten with hard blows by Elohim and by them learned to be obedient and to be wise and to be good stewards, sharing his resources with wise and prudent economic judgements that benefit all. If we will accept this wisdom by the school of hard knocks our names will be changed. Just as Abraham’s name was changed, just as Isaac‘s name was given to him after so long a time of his mother Sarah contending with others looking down on her, just as Jacob’s name was changed to Israel as he fought his “demons,“ that is the anxiety about his brother Esau which means the one who always wins, but not this time! This time the one who holds onto the heel and holds onto the hem of the garment of Yehovah wrestles till the dawn comes so that even Elohim is satisfied he is the one that will win the great prize of the world that Yehovah is bringing in.

Realise that even as this fighter was given a son named Joseph who was thrown into the pit and then raised up from the pit and placed in the highest authority under the king of Egypt, and by his wisdom given to him by his father in the heavens (that is Elohim) rescued his father, his family and all his flocks and brought them into the promised land of Goshen (notice that Jacob ended all his bitter days in a land where his family and his hopes flourished). Compare that with how Adam was given such a son who is the second Adam whose name is Yhshua from Nazareth and he will bring his father Adam and all his family and all his flocks into the promised land of Israel and the world to come!

To those that wanted enough to fight to the death for it there awaits them on their final victory so great a reward by the grace of Yehovah by means of his son Yhshua from Nazareth.

And yes he came the first time as a son of Adam and his son Jacob and his son David and then he went away leaving his brothers to profit from all that he left them. But then he returned to them like Joseph did as the governor of all of Egypt. And to him they did indeed bow all of them. Because they had turned back to being obedient to the will of the father and to protecting their brother Benjamin they were forgiven and welcomed into the land of Goshen. Because they did not say like Cain, am I my brothers safeguarder and protector and defender they were not banished into the land of Nod.