Training for the discernment of wind energetic influences.

Yehovah is the great wind energy, the unique and universal one. And he created to express his excellent behaviour an approach to the boundaries of eternal existence, other window functionaries to serve his purposes and policies and procedures. And they were to be servants reflecting his character and so having freedom of choice and ability to choose between good and bad, always choosing the good as he does indeed.

These wind entities are not anthropomorphic; they have many beautiful artistic creative forms reflecting the incredible dynamic power of his wind energy. However, a group of these forms chose the bad and didn’t want to always choose the good. Instead of destroying these forms or putting them to some eternal good use, as they were eternal because they were from the eternal one’s wind like nature, plugged into his wind energy for all eternity, Yehovah made use of them to clear out all of those who would make similar choices.

In order to carry out his plan of never ending expression of his goodwill through innumerable multiplications he created an environment which expresses his very essential nature, and a creature that would represent him and his policies, procedures, abilities and intentions within that environment. He made that creature from clay, water and his wind energy, breathed into it in a special form called neshmat chaim. Then he let the whole of his ‘sandbox’ run its course.

He found out all those wind energies that were not in alignment with his policies and procedures and all those breathing and digesting blood beings who also were not in alignment with his policies and procedures. And then he set about correcting the inherent self satisfying faults with the clear end goal that those that didn’t meet the grade would cease to exist in the form in which they had existence, or would be reassigned to the never ending production of heat energy to provide never ending warmth for the rest of those who were in alignment with Yehovah.

Because wind functionaries are a difficult life energy for humans to fully grasp Yehovah gave Adam and Eve some in the field training, and also their sons Kane and Abel. This training has been passed down to us so that we can learn to identify the main faults and wind energies that we need to do battle with then overcome.

These trainings are found in the first four chapters of bereshiyt and help us to identify our fleshy beings as being imperfect, and the imperfect wind functionary which takes advantage of our inherent faults. Part of the training are to know where to look and how to appreciate when that fault finding and faulty wind energy is influencing, and what to do about it and when. It helped us to make clear who we are dealing with and who we need to deal with and work with in order to overcome, to conquer and to achieve the grand prize that Yehovah has set out before us.

The form of a snake is meant to be instructive. By studying the habits and the behaviours of snakes it will give us a good grasp of how this inherent wind functionary operates in our environment.

First of all it is extremely discreet and wise and clever, so don’t regard it or consider it to be some kind of ‘fool.

Secondly it is not found amongst the living things which are in the wide world, in the forests and in the seas etc. It is more likely to be found around human communities where they have fields of livestock growing agricultural products, communities and domesticating the environment. It hangs around these areas more than in the ‘wild’. To hang around in these areas it has to slither about on the ground where humans tend not to look too carefully and it has to camouflage itself and hide in concealed places, including within the human abdominal cavity and internal organs.

The human biological form is an incredible artistic work of immense complexity. But it is meant to be disposable. In its many forms and varieties, copying issues or defects occur. And like any good potter knows the pots that don’t come up to scratch or don’t sound right when knocked can be discarded and broken up into pot shards for other uses.

So considering each of us as one of these incredible pieces of pottery we realise that we can just be discarded if we have a flaw in us. However, Yehovah shows his great compassion and consideration and gives us the exclusive privilege of being ‘mended’ which is not the same as being made perfect. It means that we can still be made serviceable and not have to be thrown away on the crockpot heap!

One of the amazing things that can be done with these flawed creations is that they can still be used by mending to make a perfect creation in another medium! So if the clay pot doesn’t come out correctly it can be used to make a mould after the imperfection has been removed, and then into the mould a quick setting material like plaster cast can be poured, and then the old pot can be broken away from this new material. This new material can then be used to form the recasting mould which will produce the desired object free from imperfections!

This is a detailed description of how a potter can improve anything which he creates and it’s worth studying to understand how Yehovah can change us with all our inherent flaws into the kind of servants that he actually wants.

However the snake does not want this to happen. The snake is not in favour of unity. The snake is very much in favour of alternative varieties, and not at all in the sense of unity, but in terms of rivalry! Example: the Olympic games which are often used as an example of nations working together through ‘sport’ is actually a vehicle for all kinds of human rivalry and vices and cannot really be held up as an example of the kind of unity that Yehovah desires. And that is not unexpected because it is the creation and the deception of nachash trying to promote his alternative system of reality and government, which always places a veneer of “goodness“ over the corruption and cheating, lying, murdering and stealing which is really going on. Yes even for the Olympic Games!

The next method of attack by the snake is to use open ended questions on the last man into the group, the one with the least experience. This is because this last man is one with all the questions and open to alternatives that will help it get more firmly embedded into the group or ahead. Or even into a position where it can rival the group itself.

So these are the found results of questioning a new recruit. They may come back with the standard answer or they may come back with an answer that is completely alternative and may indeed be a fresh new idea, but usually they come back with alternatives which have been advanced in the past and have proven to be of no value. However, for the new recruit these alternatives may seem either confusing or as attractive or more attractive than the answers provided by the group.

How does this occur? It occurs through the use of the imagination of the new recruit which is not founded in a great deal of knowledge or wisdom or experience. Because of this alternatives are readily available which will mostly fail. However the new recruit won’t know this until it gains more knowledge, more experience and more wisdom. And the only way that it can gain this is not through experience input through communication with the most wise individual or person within the group. However a new recruit is often unable to get to that most wise person because others are crowding it or it is easily led by the next “wisest“ person down an alternative path which will end in regret. Always go to the wisest person, no matter how long it takes.

Now assuming that the person has flaws and inherent traits that need to be overcome, this is another reason why the individual when given free reign to its imagination will come up with alternatives which seem right to itself. The breathing and digesting blood being is a self organising system to an extent, with imperatives to protect, defend and promote itself in the best possible way within the environment. However it is extremely limited in its ability to do so on its own. It is not designed to function independently on its own, but is given a measure of independence to deal with low-level situations while in contact and under the supervision and guidance of the wisest person. Inherent flaws therefore can lead to gross problems even if unintended, and the new inexperienced individual will not be able to rectify or even identify these inherent flaws until it is found after the fact, and that might already be too late. It is therefore the job of the wise ones to look out for the new individual and help the new individual to understand itself and its flaws and the consequences of them. Therefore it is good practice for the new individual to continually go to its group and discuss its understandings and misunderstandings and learned behaviours from the group with the intention of gaining the best understanding from the wisest one. Failing to do this leads one into errors and enables the snake to then pick off the person who is going down this route and help it along its way to destruction, yes ultimately destruction. The nice man in a red suit who gives you presents is always to be suspected no matter how long and white his beard is!

An important aspect of the snakes attack that the videos explore is the fundamental flaw in the human character which is universally referenced as the evil eye. This evil eye is genetically transferred from generation to generation and needs to be combatted by the exercise of what is called the good eye. This good eye comes only from Yehovah through his son Yhosha of Nazareth.

Every aspect of our world view is affected by and developed through this evil eye to the extent that we don’t even realise how warped our view is. We are manipulated by these evil eyes interacting between us creating issues of gossip, evil intentions, rivalry and envy. At the same time as creating these things in our outlook it also develops a false impression of our own ‘goodness’. 

While we may develop the ability to see the evil eye in others, even if we only suspect it, we find it hard to perceive our own evil eye which is surely there and influenced by these evil wind functionaries. 

These three aspects of our understanding and training will enable us to rely on Yehovah and his son Yhosha of Nazareth for the correct understanding of how to behave with one another. when we have this understanding we will not only please Yehovah but we will also please those who are around us and ourselves. 

The four characters that represent the good news.

The good news of the Imperial administration of Elohim which was announced by Yhosha from Nazareth is really excellent news for those who wait upon the salvation by the hand of Yehovah to restore to the children of Israel the land promised to Abraham and to the nations of Shem, Ham and Japheth who expressed the administration of excellent stewardship; and to Eve that she might on behalf of Adam bring about the resolution of the introduction of death and all its works that she brought about by the evil eye working in her!

It will be good news, but all of these who in their neshmat chaim and also in the flesh derived from that vivifying wind energy in waiting for the presence of Yehovah to be restored amongst the sons of Elohim and the purposes of Yehovah to be expressed in all of his wonderful creations!

Now from the beginning Yehovah taught and desired excellence in behaviour, in attitude, in love and in stewardship; excellence and lifting up of one another to enjoy every good thing which delights the wind energy of Yehovah, which indeed is a pleasure for evermore!

Because we are not used to this level of goodness and excellence and exhilaration and opportunity and fellowship, we find it hard to understand how fully revolutionised our experience and consciousness is by means of the decontaminating wind of Yehovah. We do not perceive that we are held captive in darkness and chains of ignorance, and pains of death, slime, and abject filthiness by means of the evil eye of one entity and all its cohorts. Together they form a band of coercive bandits determined to rob and to murder and will steal from and lie to us concerning what Yehovah purposed for himself, for his entire universe, and for us the least of his Elohim.

To him who is the source of all good and excellence and joy, and exceeding privilege beyond all our imaginations let us give an ending ululation and song, because there are not enough words in any language to finish expressing its greatness and its goodness and its wonder and wisdom!

There are four main characters on which to focus, to express this good news! Noah, Job, Daniel and Yhosha from Nazareth. And that is not to say that there is not a crowd of witnesses starting with Adam and Eve, Cain Abel and many others including Enoch and his descendants who cannot testify to the amazing wonder of the Imperial administration! But by focusing on these four, the four corners of the Imperial administration, I hope to build a clear foundation of understanding for the wonder of his ways.

Noah and his three sons are the foundation Yehovah set with a covenant under this present horizon having destroyed and wiped clean all those under the first horizons. And from this “planting“ he established offshoots that would produce the desired and the promised seed declared beforehand to Eve and to Adam.

The evil eye which had shown itself in many forms in the previous world, and the power of the evil eye in destroying those who are made from clay by its empowering and elevating wind energy in flesh and blood human beings would nevertheless be transmitted through their genetic material and would attempt to wreak havoc as it had done previously. But Yehovah would prune and would cut out all those grades that were contrary to his desired purpose, and would graft and would promote all those shoots and fruits that would bring about his resolution. And so we see, that even from the good Noah, one among his generations expressed the evil eye. And that generation would after its allotted time be removed, saving only those that produced good and excellent things to the praise of Yehovah.

Therefore we see the family of Noah, the form of the Imperial administration of Elohim. The family and the head of the family fixed resolutely to Yehovah, working the land according to the express will of Yehovah and rejoicing together in its goodness. And yet the evil eye was there to spoil whatever it could. And Noah cursed the evil eye and subjected it to the authority of the good eye in Shem, Ham and Japheth. 

Even so there broke out from amongst them the evil eye which founded Babel and exercising its great cruelty by means of death and maiming and injury it gave birth to the evil empire Babylon and then Assyria. 

It was the evil eye that wanted to congregate them into a single strike force aimed at striking at the very height of the atmosphere! But this fruitless attempt was quickly dispersed by the Imperial administration of Elohim who sent them on the way to their assigned plots by a wave of his little finger! By confusing their languages they were dispersed into all the areas as he had directed!

This wayward and spread out community of tribes in families nations, nevertheless they ruled through the sons of Noah, Shem, Japheth and Ham and they took from their ancestors whenever they desired, whatever was good in their own eyes, but those that were desirous of being in a relationship with Yehovah maintained the things which he gave to them to safeguard, namely his hieroglyphs, his directive commandments and his instructions and a record of his judgements against each of the families, tribes and nations. His judgement is evidence of his Imperial administration of the sons of Noah.

There was another empire that was gradually developing along the Nile river. This was the Empire of Nitzraim which was overseen by Ham and developed in a less aggressive manner, along different traditions and principles. You should not to say that the evil eye was not found amongst them, because this is genetically passed down in all families, but the impact of the evil eye on these communities was mitigated and provided for communities that desire to work together and with the land and with the river, albeit with false ideas of where they came from and who was the creator.

In between these two empires was the land which Yehovah kept his eye on and to which he called his servant Abraham. We will pass over the story of Abraham to concentrate on the information about the Imperial administration that is contained within Job. But we note that Abraham interacted with the Imperial administration of Yehovah according as it is written concerning him and Melchizedek. The Imperial administration of Elohim interacts with Abraham and bestows its blessing on him for a very great purpose which only reveals itself when we come to look at Yhosha from Nazareth.

Now Job was a man who lived in the Babylonian Assyrian empires prominence in the East and he was renowned for his excellent stewardship.

Tzadeqah is a term referring to excellence in stewardship. You cannot understand this if you do not understand the meaning of this concept. And you cannot understand Yehovah’s response to him if you think only in terms of the ambiguous terms of right and righteousness!

Tzadeqah is contrasted against the evil eye and the evil impulse, that is awn and avl. These words are loosely translated by these behaviours, sometimes translated as unrighteousness and iniquity, but really better translated as the evil impulse and the evil root of bitterness, or called bad or wicked men, witches (ra or rashim). Those with the evil eye are not into excellent stewardship but into all manner of self indulgent, self aggrandizement and selfishness which keeps everything to themselves!

So with Job we are taking up into the throne room of the Emperor as he administers his Imperial administration. At this time he makes a pointed note to one of his prosecutors concerning Job and his excellent stewardship. This begins the most intense testing of a man of excellent stewardship until Yhosha, even greater than perhaps Daniel.

By the time we come to the end of Job’s torment we come to understand the reason that we are here on Earth as his creatures. And it is not as we may have been taught. It is something far more incredible than that, for which it is worth every single imposition and discomfort that we can possibly bare!

Your Imperial administration of Elohim is not attempting to produce “good people“. It’s clear purpose is to produce excellent stewards whose loyalty is unquestionable in any  circumstances. 

Jobs three friends come from the East, South and West of him. Like the four winds they represent three spiritual philosophies derived by men concerning the Imperial administration of Elohim. The fourth one which is from the North is represented by Elihu who presents answers to the questions that Job is asking about the purpose of excellent stewardship.

Job‘s goaded into his final position by his three friends and his wife, all working as agents of the prosecutor. And as is pointed out Job does not vindicate or champion his creator Yehovah because he doesn’t understand the purpose of the Imperial administration of Yehovah.

The purpose is to produce excellent stewardship in all of its servants, not to fill those servants with false comparisons or false motivations.

Job is finally forced to admit that he does not understand why he has received this particular trial when both he and Yehovah know that he is an excellent steward. He cannot find any fault in what he does, requiring him to turn back to Yehovah and give praise to his creator for correcting him.

In all the wisdom that the four argued and had vis-a-vis with Job not one of them realised that the fruitful bowl is pruned so that it might bear more fruit! Therefore those who are excellent in stewardship will be pruned in order to become even better than they can imagine.

As a human being we probably think that we are entitled to fair play, justice and recognition of the stewardship that we do. What we do not think is how insignificant everything that we do is compared with Yehovah. Our most excellent stewardship is like a dirty rag compared with the stewardship of Yehovah. Unlike Yhosha said, even if we do all that is expected of us, in advance in all the excellence of our stewardship, we are still worthless servants! There is so much more that can be done and to be done, but we should be mortified by the overwhelming opportunity that still exists for us to serve Yehovah.

Given this reality we are not to be daunted by it, but to rejoice in it as good news! For the one that has graciously given us light and consciousness and life will also give us the wind energy required to exceed in stewardship far beyond what we can even imagine! The Imperial administration of Elohim seeks to empower and build up its employees and servants and slaves to the incredible human potential and then beyond!

Job (said so I) having learned these two lessons about the structure and the purpose of the Imperial administration removed now to Daniel who was made a eunuch in the Imperial administration of Nebuchadnezzar by the purpose and will of Yehovah.

When we come to the life of Daniel and the records around him we come to a high point, a summit in the information about the good news of the Imperial administration! From this peak we could look backwards to Noah to see how the Imperial administration first of all created and spread out the nations under the administration of Noah’s family, and then how by choosing Abraham and his descendants established a nation for the purpose of being a kingdom of priests! The kingdom of priests to serve all these other nations in their relationship with the Imperial administration!

We see how this plan reaches a high point in the empire of David and Solomon. But then we see how the evil eye tears the empire into pieces and turns its focus inwards into bitter sibling rivalry, which takes this nation into a terrible cycle of self-indulgence and rebellion, everything that the evil eye can work out in this nation which was intended to make visible the Imperial administration of Yehovah at a national level.

What follows then is it working out of the plan of Elohim through the school of hard knocks, through the thorns and thistles and beatings to drive away the foolishness that is in the abdominal cavity of all human beings because of the evil eye. To purify this nation and the house of David through which the purposes and the plan of Yehovah will be fulfilled, and not only the children of Israel will be rescued and saved but also all the nations.

And Daniel will see how the works and words of the prophets are brought together to bring the nation of Israel and the nation of Judah up to the level of an imperial power. We see how this once putative empire is now taught a lesson by the empires of Assyria and Nebuchadnezzar how to be an empire! And we see how all the prophets have given a fourth telling of what it is that Yehovah intends to do to establish his Imperial administration amongst all the nations through his chosen nation, the children of Israel.

The process and the details are amazing! They create fear and wonder and humility and worship in those who want to be like Yehovah and dread the wrath in those who want to be enemies of Yehovah. And they point us not only to the final solution, but to the utopian solution of joy, happiness, peace and excellent stewardship, of equality, of economic justice, of cleanness and endless opportunity for pleasure and joy with thanksgiving!

I have created a playlist which tries to briefly take you through all these relevant prophetic writings, both in Hebrew initially, for that is the language in which it is revealed and then with various synopses and translations to orientate you in your further study of the Hebrew.

Rather than go through any further details about the importance of Daniel and the reports around Daniel in which the Imperial administration of Elohim is clearly revealed and portrayed, and its purpose and its victories displayed I will give you the link and invite you to study for the rest of your days and nights. This is excellent news for those who want to be like Yehovah and how that involves the most important person in the foundation of the good news of the impending administration of Yhosha from Nazareth.

The good news of the Imperial administration from the point of view of Daniel, the time of the fall of the two kingdoms; Judah and Israel and the subsuming into the empire of Nebuchadnezzar.

It is important to note that the tower of Babylon as it should have been written is in the front against the policies of Yehovah which has to be repaid in the final analysis! So when looking at the culmination of the final denouement this is why we see Babylon featuring so highly. It started the resistance in the new horizons and it will be eradicated at the end just before the new horizons are brought to their fulfilment and then finally ended.

The evil eye which is genetically and inherently a fault in this water and clay model transformed into flesh seems to be symbolised by this tower in Babylon, and so the destruction of Babylon and this tower represents the final judgement on the evil eye which has been the cause of so many issues with the implementation of the interior of the station.

Time after time those who have tried to establish an empire or a kingdom under them have been betrayed and overthrown by disloyalty and the evil eye in those that are their servants. And this applies also amongst those wind energetic functionaries under Yehovah. But his fault and his weakness is going to be eradicated and is eradicable because Yhosha from Nazareth shows that his father has the power and the ability to remove it and to establish under him in unity our loyal and unwavering Imperial administration. To see the nature of this impaired administration we really have to fix our eyes on Yhosha.

In the 70 weeks prophecy we were told by another messenger speaking to Daniel that the anointed one will come suddenly to his temple.

The first temple that had to be built was the job of Nehemia and Ezra and Zerubbabel and Yhosha the high priest. In the figure of Yhosha we have a confirmation along with Yhosha the son of Nun and the high priest that will be anointed and  will be named Yhosha! Who would know?

But we are also told about an abomination, a horrible desecration that is to take place, and when that did occur under the interference of Antiochus Epiphanes, the fourth gave rise to the Maccabees who upon a stunning and miraculous victory by the grace of Yehovah founded a political dynasty called the Hasmoneans, invaded for the title of the anointed one; the Messiah.

The concept of the Messiah was introduced by Yehovah through Isaiah who called Cyrus the great king of Persia, Messiah, the anointed one. And here we have a great combination of the lesson about an empire that the anointed one will rule over an empire in which is a kingdom of priests with a temple dedicated to Yehovah, therefore the Hasmonean dynasty could not be the fulfilment of this type because they focused totally on the land of Judah in the provinces of the Empire, and they fought for their independence as an isolated kingdom, not as an empire.

The rabbis to be, those from Persia from which we derive the name Pharisees, some of the wise men there and the Sages could not allow the Hasmonean dynasty to usurp that title of Messiah. They pull together all the new scriptures about the Messiah and a good deal of others to derive a concept of the Messiah which clearly did not fit their Hasmoneans. And they promulgated this concept to the people in the land of Judah under the Hasmonean dynasty to clearly show that this dynasty was not the messianic one.

In the very strict interpretations they excluded a lot of details about the Imperial administration of Yehovah because they wanted to prove their point only and gain control over the people. In doing so they became a force to be reckoned with along with the Seducees, the Samaritans and a isolationist group called the Essenes. Never the less the Hasmoneans defined what the rabbinical concept of the Messiah was going to be like, and so the people were looking for a leader that would overturn the Hellenistic and other Roman occupation that was forced upon the Hasmoneans by the geopolitical reality of the times, and by the way that the Hasmoneans took their authority to rule from alliances, and not from the Imperial administration of the heavens.

They claimed to be priests of the king in the heavens and that they were the kingdom of heaven, but the Seleuceed Emperor Antiochus wrote to them and said, “abandon the kingdom of heaven and come into the real geopolitical rulership of his kingdom”  This was said to the Jews before the Hasmonean kingdom was established after the rededication of the defiled altar. So the concept of the kingdom of heaven was already in the minds of those that were in Judah and those who later went on to found the Hasmonean dynasty.

The story was a source of national pride and became a holiday, which had to be muted in the face of the Roman occupation in order not to cause brutal Roman retaliation. But the ferment for a Messiah bubbled over, not only amongst the general populous but also amongst the isolationist group of the Essenes and the armed and gorilla patriots called the Sicariots. The Messiah from the Samaritans to the Jewish community was a hotbed of intrigue and expectation. A firebrand arrives called Jon the dipper who announced that the anointed one was the messiah. People had to turn back to the covenant and stop shredding the covenant and show that they were devoted to Yehovah and his Messiah and the Imperial administration. He was followed by a man who was indistinguishable until Jon pointed him out from any other man, and then he was anointed and pointed out by Yehovah in so many notable ways, not the least being a small band of his students with the name of the famous Maccabees!

Not only was the story of the Maccabees used to identify who Yhosha was, but also Jon the Dipper and also the many miracles that followed his proclamation of the good news and his call to turn back to the covenant of Yehovah.

The wise men and the fathers and the Sages desired to look into these matters, as did many of the messengers, and they devined that the anointed one, the Messiah, the one upon whom was poured out the anointing oil and the wind energy of Yehovah according to their own wisdom and their own political experiences. They did not have the wind energy from the holy one of Israel. However when Yhosha was sent to be transformed into a human being by the miracle of conception and birth and the pumping in the wind energy of the neshmat chaim, not just from the lineage of Adam but also from his father above the atmosphere and in the atmosphere; he was given the extra wind energy that was required to put the whole puzzle together.

He started with Eve, included the references with regard to Kane and Abel, took on board the references to Enoch and to the king Melchizedek and included the references with Joseph and the references with Abraham, and he referenced Jacob, and the references written by Moses and proclaimed in the name of Yhosha, son of Elohim; and on and onto all the mini references given by the prayers of Hannah down to Samuel and David and the references in Samson continuing on to the prophets, and especially Isaiah, Zachariah and Haggai and Hoshea and Malachi. Only he could piece it all together to give the two part story of the Messiah and how he would achieve the implementation of the Imperial administration of Yehovah.

The seed that would come that would bite the serpent in the head destroying all its works, while the serpent would only be able to bite this seed in the heel, injuring it temporarily from which it would recover triumphant and in this manner restore to all the awareness of the Imperial administration of the creator; the creator of Adam and Eve who enjoyed for a time the relationship with the Imperial administration.

As Jon the Dipper announced to his students, and as Yhosha from Nazareth proclaimed, the gut offering of the Imperial administration was being brought to the temple! All who wanted to be part of that incredible administration should turn back to the covenant of Yehovah and gather around him as he offered up the ultimate offering!

All who look upon this sign raised up on a stick like the two snakes in the wilderness would be saved. The evil eye of the snake and it’s poison that would do them no harm and they would be healed from it and be given the good eye. And they would be gathered together as Yehovah stated and formed into the remnant nation that he would use to establish his kingdom of priests as his Imperial administration through the priests who served his son, in his house and temple. There Jerusalem would be and the nations that were left comforted and brought into the Imperial administration with joy and laughter and rejoicing love. They would restore what was broken, heal the land and bring the animals into peaceful subjection. Finally there would peace be, for an age.

We have skimmed over and developed the idea and the concept of the Imperial administration of Elohim based around these four notable characters; Noah, Job, Daniel and Yhosha. And indeed Yhosha himself has referred to these characters in the proclamation of the good news. He drew upon the inspiration of Noah to warn us of the days and the generations in which we are, and he draws your attention to Daniel so that we can understand the magnitude of the Imperial administration of Elohim and its impact on the nations. But where does he refer to Job?

The Imperial administration of Elohim starts up close and personal. It impacts on us individually; both within our experiential continuum and within those closest to us and then it spreads out to impact on the nations. But it is in the personal impact on us the references to Job is found. Job is the great example for everyone who wishes to be a servant of Elohim in the Imperial administration. It is an example that Yhosha exemplified and went far beyond. As he said: “those branches that bear fruit, the father prunes back so that they might bear much more fruit!” This is a reference to the life and experiences in the example of Job.

And Yhosha refers to his life in the form of flesh and blood, before he was transformed into a wind energetic functionary in the writings; which he inspired amongst his students in the act of Yhosha and in the book of Revelations which Yehovah inspired in his son Yhosha. He transmitted it to his students by means of deputies and messengers and the wind energy from our father. In these writings we see how everything is carefully put together to form the final symbols and images that we need to be studying and meditating on every single day! For the good news there’s not some prophetic timeline down to the end, but rather the excellent and inspiring and uplifting and utopian rule of Yehovah, in the persons of his servants and in the families of those that love him and amongst the nations that are ruled by him.

In every part of the good news is power to overcome, to return back to Yehovah and to become decontaminated and to live in an uncontaminated manner. There is ability to recognise and to discern those wind energies and deputies and functionaries which are against Yehovah and to renounce and reject and put them away, and to cling onto and fix our eyes on Yhosha and on everything that is good, better, best, excellent, exhilarating and uplifting; and enhancing and extolling the beauty, the wonder and the wisdom and the power and the might of our father and creator. The noble one from whom all nobility and majesty and charisma and excitement and adventure flows.

The purpose of this impending administration goes beyond imagining. In transforming these clay cast figures into window energetic administrators full of love, good and excellence can you imagine blooming planets around fragrant stars in scented galaxies spread across the immensity of space?