Parah – The Unstoppable Sex Drive 

It has been a word in my chest cavity to speak to you children and grandchildren about the wind of sex workers! These are wind beings or breath beings who enter into your thoughts and your life by many doors that you do not even know were open. And they intrigue you and then make you curious and then by that curiosity make you do things at first childishly but then secretively because you feel guilty and it has become a guilty pleasure. But all in all as a young growing child of 2, 3 or 4 years old you do not know what is going on.

But the crucial time comes when you start to go into the public school system, when you begin to interact and form friendships with other people, young boys and young girls from other families and other cultures. And at this time you are very vulnerable to influences from teachers and your peers which shape your personality and your knowledge and your anchoring relationship with your parents!

Pretty soon you switch allegiance to the teacher, you become heavily influenced by those around your peer group, maybe even one boy or one girl that seems intensely interesting to you and you don’t know why. Before long your treasured relationship with your parents has changed. These wind beings and these breath beings moved you away from the source of your parents to rely on something which you do not understand but think it’s safe because your parents keep sending you into that situation.

For all children it is a sink or swim situation; for some children school is not a problem but many children become bullied and many become forced to do things or to say things which they know they cannot repeat to their parents.

Unless your parents are aware of what goes on in the public school system, unless your parents remember what they went through to establish themselves in the community you will be left as a young child to hang out to dry in an evil wind motivated by the wind of sex workers!

This article you should read and re-read in order to understand the environment in which you grew up and the kind of society that you were pushing your children into!

This article is written in academic terms which is useful because at least if you understand it you can get a clear picture without the bias of theology or religion or feminism or taboo or many other things which is what the wind of sex workers have introduced into the people around you to prevent you seeing properly what is happening.

Why am I concerned as a grandfather? Because as a child I was targeted by one of these wind beings by exactly these means. Over time and as I grew to puberty this being enticed me into many many activities which were done in secret and the “innocency“ of a child! Nevertheless these were real activities done in ignorance which had an impact on me and on the person or people who were engaged in these activities with me. But at the age of 9, 10 or 11 I could hardly understand.

By the time I came to puberty I was fully hooked by these wind beings and fully confused because my parents and my grandparents had not given me any guidance. This was not the thing that seemed to be done in my generation. All our understanding of sex working came from the school yard or from other boys or other girls, often spying on kissing couples, or from looking at magazines and newspapers.

Also during my era sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll were being heavily promoted, boys wearing long hair and bell bottomed trousers and hipsters with their bums hanging out, girls wearing short skirts and hot pants and revealing clothes.

This was the wind of the age, the spirit of the times and all we heard through the grapevine was “free sex“.

Some of us, but very few of us knew what that meant but the youngest of us just thought it was something curious to be explored. We didn’t know that some children from the age of 5 upwards were regularly being submitted to this “free sex”.

Sexual abuse? We didn’t know the term. So those who have religious backgrounds probably knew the word fornication and prostitution, but these were sniggering words and we didn’t know what they meant; we just knew that we needed to snigger when they were said!

And at the same time as this was happening the education system was ramped up to try and give us an understanding of “sexual reproduction and biological reproduction”. Quite apart from the family setting, quite apart from the rock ‘n’ roll scene, just some kind of theoretical knowledge of how a girl became pregnant. Hardly could the penis be talked about, and it was against the law to show an erect penis.

My age group is of the era of Jim’ll Fix It and Rolf Harris and others, all of whom were popular children’s entertainers. Myra Hindley the multiple murderer of children with her partner was out of our reach. It was in the adult newspapers and we were not warned or given any encouragement to take any interest in it.

So by the time we were in our pubescent stage as boys and girls looking for boyfriends and girlfriends, looking to be normal we had been led by this wind of sex workers into a trap. The trap consisted of the reality of sex which frightened us and so we would boast that we had engaged in sexual activities but we didn’t actually even know what we were talking about; however others were regularly and frequently engaging in sexual acts encouraged by the climate or by a parent who encouraged the sewing of wild oats, or by some other influence which opened the door for them directly into this abusive situation and so we all felt that we had to be willing to have sex or offer sex to our boyfriend or girlfriend. 

There were some public figures who were trying to protect young girls and young men, but those young girls and young men didn’t understand why they needed protection because their parents had no idea how to talk to them about sex, pregnancy, looking after a child, having a job, housing or about the realities of being an adult with a child and not married.

And there were also moral leaders that would we thought would protect and guide us who turned out to be immoral, corrupt and abusive members of paedophile rings engaged in all the acts which the wind of sex workers would lead you into.

Slowly we became introduced into the world of lesbian, gay, transvestite, bondage, dominance, paedophilia, sex slaves, sex trafficking, drugs and all manner of sexual abuse.

Some of us could not even recognise ourselves as being amongst these vilified groups, but only much later on when the victims of this abuse came forward and many of our heroes and celebrities were brought to shame that there was an understanding given to those of us who were affected by the wind of sex workers without seeing the bigger picture.

So what was the solution? What is the solution?

In my own family when God gave to me at last a wonderful friend, soulmate and sexual companion and along with this, anxieties and children I thought to myself; my children need to know what my parents did not tell me, the fundamentals, openly, honestly and without shame.

In the meantime the wind of sex workers influenced me and my wife in so many different ways; within our relationship and within the community, both in the way we dressed, our outlook and sexual morality.

We were both hopelessly lost under the influence of the wind of sex workers, but we tried to do the best that we could for our children’s sake not knowing what is best for one’s children.

This is not to say that there was not a great effort by authors, clinicians, researchers and even some religious leaders to try and teach the general population what sex was and how to properly use it and enjoy it.

I read widely; there was a book called “Everything That You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask“. There was another book called The Joy of Sex. And finally the most influential book in my life was The Missing Dimension in Sex by Herbert W Armstrong. But I also read widely in pornographic literature, the advice from those who are very experienced in sexual pleasures, whether they were escorts or so-called prostitutes or sexual liberation activists. And this was so that I could get a better grasp of what it was that I was involved in with my wife, where we were heading and how we would educate our children.

It was at this time that I thought and hoped that I had achieved a healthy balance in this area. But when the victim statements came out with regards to boys abused by monks and girls abused by nuns it was unbelievable and was easier to blame the Catholic Church for its celibacy rules than it was to look at the widespread abuse that was found in all areas of society in which we lived. Then it came out about Jim’ll Fix It, Rolf Harris and many other celebrities, all of whom had exploited and abused people because of the sex drive that they had. Then it became popular when the internet was new to target paedophiles in chat rooms and also to make sex offenders public enemy number one. All of this so we didn’t have to look at ourselves.

Then bishops, then scout leaders, then rabbis and then spiritual gurus were all outed for engaging in this corrupting behaviour.

Sensitive soul that I am I applied all of these things to the course of my life. I had already determined that my wife had been the victim of sexual abuse and this would lead to many pains and agonies in her later life, and had already found out that close friends were also the victims of sexual abuse, and they were just seeking to cope with their experiences in the best way that they could. It seemed that all of us have been affected and harmed by this malaise, and there was no real solution.

I was mortified because the activities which I engaged in as a child would have had some consequences which I knew nothing of. How many young girls lives have I irreparably damaged? I’ll never know. What about that young boy who was eager to show me his bare anus when we were alone and I rejected him, what happened to him and why was he so eager to show me his bum hole? I was too young to think about questions like that but now I’m older I can see that each of these interactions will have had an impact. Although I cannot take the blame for everything I can feel guilty for everything.

So what was the solution? The solution came from our creator and it came in stages, and it came after a lifetime of trying to come to grips with this thing they call the sex drive. And it came all at once. It came in the form of a couple of words; The spirit of fornication! These are the words in the King James. It is difficult to read these words without becoming condemnatory and to misapply them into misunderstanding. The wind of sex workers has had literally 2000 years and more to twist our minds and our understanding of his words.

So then I went back to the Hebrew (the only way I could understand it) to ask the question what is the wind of sex working?

I came across the term sex worker and sex working a few years earlier. I thought these were fairer and more understandable terms than prostitute or harlot or some of the other old English words. That is why the Wikipedia article is there for you to read and understand.

But what Yehovah said about the wind of sex working in Hoshea was quite simple; it was everywhere in that society. In that society of ancient Israelites every single person was affected by the wind of sex working. It didn’t take me long to understand but this is how it has always been in every society. The wind of sex working has led to a society of damaged people, damaged children, corruption and our paper thin veneer of social acceptability. But underneath it are the horrors of sex slavery, port sex slaves, sex trafficking, crime and drugs, paedophile rings and many other associated things. But at the top there are the mistresses of kings, the escorts and the companions of rich men.

It has always been like this, those at the top giving themselves a different name to those at the bottom, every kind of man whether he be a king or a bishop or church leader or the roadsweepers or politicians or an army general or a scout master or even a care worker is heavily influenced by this wind to abuse, to hurt, to confuse and eventually to destroy the lives of themselves and their victims.

So the solution that Yehovah gives is what I want to explore next.

I was going to refer you to Genesis, chapters 1 and 2, when I realised that this was part of the problem. The translators of the Bible into English were all affected by the wind of sex workers.

I’m going to provide you with a free translation of bits of these three translations. I have been working on the full translation but that’s not relevant here.

The opening statement written by Moses but probably copied from work by Abraham says this.

In the head first order of….

There is something missing, and this is only obvious in the Hebrew because it is in what is called the shmikut form. The missing bit can be supplied by going right to the end of day seven where it becomes clear that the missing word is: his Imperial level artistic and creative works!

So we really start with Elohim carefully cutting out and preparing a space for cultivation or development. That space is the atmosphere and the arable land. There is no mention of the creation of water from nothing or the creation of wind from nothing or the creation of matter from nothing. Instead we are presented with the preparation of the atmosphere and the arable land from the wind and the water which apparently constitutes the very essence of Elohim, therefore understand that your creator is not a human being and is not limited to the form of any human being but instead is a universal, unique and dynamic power and force that fills the whole of what we call the universe in the form of a wind occasionally condensing into what we call water.

We were then told that the arable land was agitated and disturbed and coalesced together on the expressive face of some agitated and heaving mass! It was dark and then we were told that it was underwater and on the surface of that water was a fluttering wind; Elohim.

We already have a dramatic presentation of a caring, considerate and planning Elohim who carefully prepares things in order and we are invited to imagine him saying in our language “come to be”. And regarding light we imagine him saying “come to be light”! That light we have to understand is in the water as is the darkness in the water under the water. That light has a purpose for the creation of artistic works that follow. For clearly Elohim does not require light. Plants require light, animals and insects require light and we human beings require light. Light was commanded to be for us who were to become conscious! This is the origin of consciousness in human beings and in all his creative works. That consciousness is in the very water and wind that we have already seen are eternal.

We find that Elohim determines what a single day is and commands the four elements of the day. And it is on the second day that he creates the atmosphere and it is on the third day that he reveals the arable land and the seas. But this is an exciting day; this is the day that the plants are called to spring out of the earth in their life cycle from seed to shoot to mature leaves to fruiting bodies and seeding bodies and then to repeat and reproduce. This is what he looked on with full appreciation like any gardener shout for joy when his plants proved fruitful.

It is this joy, this purpose and this unstoppable command to be fruitful that expresses the very nature of Elohim and the very nature that he places in his breathing and digesting blood beings and in his supreme creative work from the earth, the lump Adam.

This day commanded by Elohim, not by sun or moon or stars is day three and it is the beginning of wisdom with regard to what we humans called “the sex drive“. On this day the earth, the arable land from which we humans are formed was given a command and that command was to sprout forth tender leaves.

That is to germinate seeds so they sprout too leaves upwards and shoot roots downwards into the soil. And in this dynamically active sprout begins to form another shoot from which mature leaves begin to appear and also flowers in the form of florettes. And then above this in grains like corn or wheat a pollen bearing shoot reaches up into the wind. The wind shakes the pollen off like dust which falls down into the open arms of the florets or flowers.

In wheat and corn these florets and flowers are quite low down and perhaps missed. They are still beautiful but they are not displayed and arrayed as many other flowers found in the meadow or like flowers and blossom found on trees but their function is the same, to collect pollen and to become pollinated. Once the pollen has been collected and it has entered into the ovum then the petals are discarded and choices are made which dynamically change the form of it. In the case of grain crops like corn and wheat these florets become the heads of grain and the heads of corn protected by leaves. Their job is to grow juicy, fat and full of nutrients so that when they are dispersed they can begin the cycle again, germinating and sprouting.

So this is where you start to talk to yourself and your children about the birds and the bees and the flowers and the trees in the wind and the breeze and the unstoppable drive to produce seeds which will reproduce in abundance.

Also on the third day a different kind of plant, a woody plant is identified. And it is here that the role of the flowers is emphasised. In the grains the role of the final scene is emphasised, but in the woody plants the role of the beautiful flower and its petals and all the parts of it, the stem and the pistol, the anthers and the beautiful colours are all emphasised. Here it is more the insects like the bees and hover flies and ants etc as well as the birds which work hard to pollinate these plants and these florets. Occasionally wind might do it with a breeze but more often it’s some kind of spider or fly or bird which transmits the anthers into the receptacle for this germ which then begins a dynamic choice which results in the ovum changing and becoming the juicy outer layer of the fruit and the seeds being formed within it.

Again it is a beautiful and wonderful natural drive to produce fruit, to produce seed in fruit or without fruit in a dry husk. It is so wonderfully easy to explain and show and demonstrate to yourself and to children.

There is no shame, just beauty, wonder and an unstoppable drive to produce the seeds and the fruits! This is all to be received joyously and appreciatively and Elohim took time out to really appreciate it as we should.

It is only after this Elohim fashioned the sun and the moon and the stars and commanded the seasons and also hid appointed times and the days and the years. He no longer commanded each day personally. He set it to run like clockwork.

The importance of the third day shows up in the fifth day when the command for an unstoppable sex drive to produce seed, whether in fruit or in a husk is given to the first breathing and digesting blood beings that he makes in the waters of the oceans and also in the air of the atmosphere. And in addition to this command and unstoppable drive to produce seed he shows his approval by benediction! He expresses good things to these animals and these insects and these birds and these flying creatures and these creatures of the sea living in root like eco systems in the waters, living in underwater grasslands and kelp forests and coral reefs. He actually bends his knees to them and expresses goodwill to them to have this unstoppable beautiful sex drive and by it to multiply and by multiplying to fill the seas and the air and all the land. He sets no limit on them.

On the sixth day Elohim carefully makes breathing and digesting blood beings spring out of the earth, herd animals and wriggling soil creatures and living beings of the earth and he looks upon these with appreciation.

And then imagine him saying in our language we are going to make a lump of soil in our shadowcast mould as our plaster cast representation!

We? It doesn’t seem obvious in the English but it is obvious in the Hebrew. All along Elohim has been talking to and commanding a conscious universe! He commanded the water to be light and it responded, he commanded the water to swarm forth all kinds of breathing and digesting blood beings and birds, insects and winged flying creatures and it responded and he commanded the arable land to spring out shoots from germinated seeds and woody plants that blossomed with flowers and breathing and digesting blood beings and herding animals and wriggling soil creatures and living things from the Earth and it responded.

Elohim, the wind, the water and the arable land all work together to form this incredible environment in which we live. And the crowning work involved all of them making a lump of soil in the shadowcast mould which represented them, represented Elohim and the water and arable land. And that lump of clayey moist soil with wind in its lungs was carefully cut out for development in a mould which was formed in the shadow of Elohim.

The idea of a shadow imparts to us the notion that this mould is not the full dynamic form and existence of Elohim, it is a very much reduced form but nevertheless in this form the lump was made and then the lump was split into a lump with a penis and a lump with a womb.

It is here that you can see that there is no shame in talking about the genitals. And the word used for penis actually refers to a memorial, it is an obvious anachronism referring to the circumcision of Abraham. But the word used for the female genitals is quite obviously plain referring to the external genitals and the womb as the place where seeds would be germinated and a tent community would come forth!

And along with this much reduced form came certain incredible responsibilities and opportunities. First of all Elohim benedicted this lump expressing goodwill to it saying have the unstoppable sex drive that produces seeds in the womb or in the form of semen and in this way reproduce and fill all the land. And then tread down and form vessels! Form vessels with your hands or your feet!

And then most importantly with the unstoppable sex drive leave the door open to receive in a way that you as a human beings can understand orders to give to the fish of the sea, to the birds of the atmosphere, to the herding animals, to all the different arable lands, to all the wriggling soil creatures on the earth.

Elohim left the door open through which he could inspire and help them and command all these things. But if the door is closed to Elohim then the commands are directly from the man or worse still a wind being gaining entrance through the door.

But here Elohim immediately commands the man to distribute food, that is all kinds of seeds and all kinds of fruit trees which produce seeds within the fruit which he commands them to be given by and through the man as food to his creative works. And then he makes it plain that to every living being and to every fine creature in the air and to every living thing which wriggles on the earth and in which there is life as a breathing and digesting blood being he had given every green vegetation with green glossy leaves as food. He made it clear that the responsibility of a man involved taking care of all his great artistic creations that were living and breathing and digesting blood beings and living things by feeding them.

That is why they were going to be making all kinds of vessels with their hands and feet because this is where they were going to store the food, the grain and everything which they were going to use to feed and take care of these creatures.

They needed to enjoy what they were doing and also reproduce and also fill the earth in order to feed the unbounded multitude of creatures.

This is the context for the sex drive. It doesn’t take a genius to see when this sex drive is twisted away from this context for this purpose instead of a happy Elohim with a happy human servant and a happy and thriving set of creatures you end up with the kind of world that we have that causes hurt and pain to everyone and everything.

Now to this basic purpose Yehovah added some instructions which were specific to the misuse of the sex drive and these instructions are plain, simple and clear and pull no punches. The translators might have tried to obscure what they say in “respectable“ language but Yehovah itemises every detail clearly so that you know exactly what you are not to do. These are called nakedness restrictions. These represent instructions when it is inappropriate for you to become naked or to make somebody else naked and to avoid this situation. These restrictions are laid out plainly in the book of Leviticus from chapter 17 to chapters 20. These you should read and explain to yourself and your children because the consequence of doing these you can see all around you.

If you got caught doing some of these things most likely you would be embarrassed. That’s the wrong time to be embarrassed! You should by all means avoid the embarrassment of doing these things by keeping close to Yehovah and performing his purpose. Use the embarrassment to keep you from and protect you from doing things rather than to cover over and hide the things that you’ve done! Using embarrassment to keep you on the right track and protect you from doing the wrong thing is fearing Elohim. If you don’t do something, if you keep away from doing something because you don’t want to be embarrassed by Yehovah then you are on on the right track.

However if you do fall do not let the embarrassment stop you from coming back to Yehovah straight away and getting cleaned right up. Because that’s what he wants, he wants you to be clean and as soon as possible.


This Shabbat, after spending all day listening to holy readings from the acts of Yhshua from Nazareth and his leadership of the twelve students in the attack on the wind beings and breath beings which surround us all, holding us in captivity inflicting pain and disease and illness on us and preventing us from being filled with the decontaminating wind from Yehovah.

The good news which I proclaim of the Imperial administration of Elohim has come alive for me in my personal life because by means of its power I am being constantly healed and prepared to join the onslaught on these wind and breath entities!

But I wanted to write to you about tzadiq because Yehovah and his son Yhshua enlightened me about this concrete concept in the context of the Jewish community of which I am part.

Within the Jewish community and nation the concept of tzadeqah is well known and better understood than within the Christian community where it takes on an all together different meaning.

This concept is probably best approached from the point of view of giving charitably. Not from the point of view of having your heart pricked by some poor African girl with big eyes or some poor puppy with big eyes, but rather from the point of view of simple humanity and fellow feeling; the point of view of there but for the grace of God go I!

Which one of us being a penny short has not inwardly asked for that penny to appear on the ground? And how wonderful is it when you are in this quandary and someone comes and gives you a pound? Do you give thanks to Yehovah for this kindness?

Sometimes for want of a penny we go around bitter in our thoughts and complaining. Why was there no-one or nothing to make possible what it was that we wanted! But the reality is that in most cases we have exactly what we need and more. And when we come upon someone who does not have exactly what they need and we hear them muttering “if I only had a penny”, most of us would reach into our pocket and say “here”!

But when we walk the streets and see poor drunken men and drunken women sitting in the cold hoping someone will give them some money so they can buy some more drink we shut ourselves off from them. We put up a barrier and condemn them.

These people do not know the meaning of tzadeqah. They only know harsh looks and avoidance and condemnation. And yet even in Israel today if such a man cried out tzadeqah which means roughly translated: “charity please; find or share your resources with me please“ they would not be ignored in such a way. That is not to say that they have not experienced the roughness and the ignorance that we show such people but within this community, the Jewish nation there is a habit; a duty of a mitzvot to share resources with the poor. And the poor know that they have Yehovah on their side!

This notion of sharing resources lies at the heart of the meaning of tzadiq. This concept is not relating to emotional giving but a controlled and rational sharing of resources. There is a door and that door opens to those in need but closes to those in greed. That door is open to share where there is an opportunity to share, but it’s closed to those who want an opportunity to take advantage or to steal for their own gain.

This term refers to someone who is full of the grace and abundant sharing nature of Yehovah, but also recognises that unless this sharing is done in the right way it will lead to bad outcomes for many of those who receive it.

If you do not work then neither should you eat. This straightforward direction in the acts of Yhshua from Nazareth ties the practicality of sharing to the heart and nature of the receiver and also of the giver. The person who is tzadiq has been given access to resources by Yehovah, and he is expected to steward those resources and look after them to make sure they are not wasted or fritted away. But in his stewardship and his looking after those resources he is to emulate the great God of heaven and share with the poor, the widow, the orphan, the one who is in need because he has just escaped from captivity or the stranger in the country who doesn’t know how things work or where to go or many other situations where a little help or a little sharing of resources will make life better for everyone.

In one of the proverbs it says quite plainly cast your bread on the waters and then in not many days it will return to you!

This notion of sharing resources responsibly is linked to a fellow feeling. So because the Israelites were slaves in Egypt they should understand the difficulties of those who have come out of captivity and will have been slaves and have found freedom in and amongst the Israelite people. Therefore they should not withhold their hand or show no hospitality to those that are in need. At the same time this stewardship should not leave what is in their hand open to robbers, thieves and also wolves in sheep‘s clothing.

Within the Jewish community there is an indelible relationship between merit and being evaluated by merit and doing tzadeqah. And every Jew strives to increase his merit by performing mitzvot and performing tzadeqah, that is charitable acts and hospitable acts, and taking care of the widow and the orphan and the poor and those in need. It is a mitzvot, but the rabbinical instruction on these mitzvot ranks them in order of merit. There is no such order of merit found within the acts of Yehovah. But within the society of the Israelites and the Jewish nation those who performed tzadeqah are known by those around them as tzadiq! Such people made the daily lives of many others more bearable. Such people made equality a reality for those around them and also liberty and freedom. They made a society in which many have no means of existence by no fault of their own into a community, and a caring one at that.

So this is a brief snapshot of the concrete concept dealing with the inequalities, the lack of freedom and the lack of fellow feelings within the society by application of the practical and reasonable concept of tzadeqah. It is indeed highly valued by Yehovah and also all the people who it touches.

Now is there any merit in it? The idea of merit being a complicated one. On the one hand it is used to evaluate the development and progress of a person, but on the other hand it is used to either condemn or praise a person. And who does not want to be praised! And with the way that the rabbis explained tzadeqah in terms of merit it leaves it wide open for people to make the mistake of being meritorious by being charitable, but in themselves being full of foul winds and evil breaths concerning themselves with hurtfulness!

So is there any merit in tzadeqah if your chest cavity is evil? And the answer is no. And yet you are providing for the many, but your intention is evil and it will show itself to those who you are making these generous offers by. 

So merit itself is not associated with the idea of tzadeqah. What is associated with this concept is the idea of fixing your life-support reliance in Yehovah. The idea is clearly expressed by Abraham who, because he fixed his life support reliance in Yehovah it was considered to him as tzadeqah. In other words any man that fixes the life-support or any woman that fixes the life-support reliance in Yehovah will share resources in the right way, with the right attitude and for the right reasons!

So it is not merit, it is fixing your life-support reliance that is important. And the Hebrew concept for this is emunah. This is something that you are taught from your mother’s breast and on your father’s knee and throughout your whole life! That your whole entire conscious being relies on Yehovah and no-one or nothing else.

However sometimes parents do not pass on this important life affirming attitude to their children. But Yehovah is graceful and he can teach such people as are willing to be taught the meaning of emunah becoming to them, the mother and father who failed in this duty.

So we see that in relation with Yehovah tzadeqah results in a fairer society, one that is practically more welcoming and equal for those who are rich and poor. It is the failure to practice tzadeqah that results in social injustice, and unfair society and one in which the poor and the rich are antagonistic to each other.

The grace of Yehovah which is extended to all rich and poor has to flow through those who are tzadiq because whether you are rich or poor you are being trained by Yehovah to emulate him in his sharing and giving and Thanksgiving. But if anyone of you fails to emulate Yehovah then you create a problem for yourself and for the society around you.

The Christian understanding of this concept is misleading to a very great extent. But it can hardly be understood how great that is until you understand some other very misleading but almost central concepts of Christianity.

I speak of the concept of sin, the concept of salvation, the concept of justification, the concept of faith, and the concept of uprightness or righteousness!

Every one of these concepts is not originating in the acts of Yehovah. They are originating in the nations that have translated the acts of Yehovah into their own language and their own concepts. And by choosing these words they have completely cut themselves off from the Commonwealth of charity and sharing of the resources which is endemic within the acts of Yehovah!

The major concept of sin derived from the Old English convent admitting guilt (which leads to a Middle English version), and has nothing to do with a concrete notion of chopping and choosing which is the basic idea of the Hebrew word translated to sin!

A Hebrew person is looked at by Yehovah with regard to their behaviour. And there are three understandable behaviours which Yehovah looks at. The first is twisting away. Who has not held a baby in their arms or who does not want to be held? That baby will twist and turn and stretch in order to get away. And that is a behaviour that Yehovah looks for in his servants.

The second is breaking step. When you are on a march everyone should march in step. When you are in a march everyone should march together. So the person who breaks step creates a problem immediately because they wander onto a different track they bump into other people they lose the direction and the rhythm and then drift away. This also is a behaviour that Yehovah looks for amongst his servants.

The final behaviour is the one which is most often described in the Middle English terms but this behaviour is quite simply the behaviour of chopping and choosing! In other words the behaviour takes something that is given to it; ie an instruction or an object and it chops it into pieces and it chooses the pieces that it will keep and use. This behaviour is the most common behaviour that Yehovah has to deal with. So in the case of Adam and Eve, Eve chopped and chose which part of his instructions she would keep; which part of the instructions that Yehovah gave her she would value and want to protect? On the face of it that seems to be hardly any of them. And then what of Adam, having been directly instructed about the two trees, what part of that instruction did he value and want to keep? Again it seems like hardly anything preferring to be complicit with his wife than to be aligned with Yehovah.

And this unfortunately is what humans do all the time. They chop and choose. They listen selectively. They find alternatives. They do things differently. They take things apart and put them together the way they want them to, leaving out what they don’t want. This is the chopping and changing and choosing behaviour that Yehovah pays great attention to.

Now, every person that chops, changes and chooses may think that the bits that they have chopped out they have left behind. But in fact all the bits they chop out gather together and weigh them down because Yehovah knows what bits they have chopped out and what bits need to be replaced.

So the English concept of sin has very little to do with the three behaviours described. Because it has very little to do with these three behaviours men have been able to twist this word to being whatever they want it to mean. And even though they have to anchor it against the texts within the acts of Yehovah and the acts of Yhshua this does not help the young and inexperienced pagan’s mind to understand what behaviours Yehovah is looking for.

When we go back to Cain and Abel we find to our surprise cane who brings fruit from the trees in the ground is panicked by the fact that Yehovah concerns himself more with Able’s offering. And Able’s offerings are bits that he has chopped and chosen from the animal which Yehovah provided them both at the door to his temple!

Cain ignored this animal and just brought in the fruit from the field. Yehovah said the animal is still at the door to be chopped and pieces to be chosen from it and will you be able to master the skill to do this?

How many of us have killed an animal gutted it and chopped it into pieces? It is a skilled performance which requires training and dexterity, accuracy and quickness. Able practiced until he was good at it. Cain completely ignored it and as a consequence his offering did not occupy Yehovah as much as Ables. Because of his panic Cain got into an argument with his brother and killed him! Rather than going in, killing the animal and gutting it he killed his brother in a rage. He left the door open for a wind being to enter into it causing him to act murderously.

So why did Yehovah give Adam, Eve, Cain and Abel a chop and change and choose offering? Now you know what behaviour Yehova was looking at you can see that he is emphasising the point; what you chop out, what you choose and what you change has to be in accordance with what he tells you to and not what you decide to do.

This animal sacrifice continues until we reach our Lord and Saviour Yhshua from Nazareth. He was willing to lay down his breathing and digesting blood being so that we could again learn the skill to chop and change and choose that which is pleasing to Yehovah.

When Yehovah gives us his instructions, if we will remain true to them and not chop anything out and not change anything and not choose differently then he will be pleased with us. But if we do chop, change and choose them there is a way out for us which is through the chop and change and choose sacrifice. Placing all the debris that is around us from the action of chopping and choosing we place it all on this pure animal because we no longer want it, we want the purity which is represented by the animal to replace our chopped out chunks and choices. So by leaning on the animal we place these undesirable things on the animal and we bring back to ourselves (transfer to ourselves) the purity of the animal. And when Yehovah sees that this is what we want to do he restores to us all the bits that we have chopped out all the bits that we have changed all the bits that we have not chosen and makes us whole. And then he totally destroys the animal onto which we have loaded of all these choices, changes and chunks that we have taken out of his instructions to make it plain that these are no longer associated with. We are as pure as we were at the beginning, as pure as the pure animal that we have just sacrificed.

This behaviour then of chopping and changing and choosing and then offloading all these choices onto a pure animal and uploading the purity of the animal is how Yehovah reconstituted and reconciles us to himself. And when we are reconciled to him we will start to share what he has given to us responsibly and with rejoicing. We will also declare Salvation, that is liberation from captivity of bondage. Because we were bound and captured by all these chops and changes and the choices that we made, not realising that everyone of these was an entrance way for wind or breath beings to take control of our behaviours. Now we have been liberated by the grace of Yehovah.

And in this liberation comes healing which with tzadeqah restores health and joy to the community in whom we are and to whom we give service involved with Yehovah.

I could go on to look at faith, again a foreign concept which hardly does justice to fixing your life support reliance in Yehovah and also righteousness and uprightness. What are these things? They are hardly understood by anyone but they are used to translate the very basic and simple concept of tzadeqah, which we can understand and can perform.

The concern of many Christians is to be justified; that is to be rid of their sins. These are hardly concepts that can be understood and yet they burdened people in an oppressive way because the guilt which is in the idea of sin gives access for a wind being to trouble your mind with all sorts of nonsense and impossible things to do. And again the concept of justification twisted from merit because they could not understand the grace of Yehovah.

And so they went by the grace of Yehovah straight to the concept of putting their sins onto the breathing and digesting blood being of Yhshua by which they then declare themselves justified. But they do not know what this means except that they are free from their sins. But are they free from their sins?

Those that are supposedly free from their sins are not given instructions, instead they are told to avoid the instructions and to follow after the teachings of whoever baptised them. This is dangerous because if that man or woman is not compliant with Yehova then these newly baptised young ones will not be compliant with Yehovah!

Instead what Yehovah said by Yhshua is that you will receive a decontaminating wind and that decontaminating wind will teach you to understand Yehova’s instructions so that you will pay attention to that decontaminating wind and avoid chopping and changing and choosing from his instructions. If then you concentrate and follow up on this decontaminating wind you will do no wrong in the eyes of Yehovah for the decontaminating wind will remove you from those chunks those changes and those choices that go against the instructions of Yehovah; rather the decontaminating wind will fill you with the way that you should go. Now that way is the way of tzadeqah and also also love and a single hope in Yehovah and also a complete and utter fixing of your life-support reliance in Yehova. And you will not be listening to the ideas or the teachings of men, however well-meaning, rather you will be listening to the instructions of Yehovah through his son Yhshua by means of the decontaminating wind which will be speaking in your ears and singing in your chest cavity.

Is this justification? No, but it is being made compliant and in alignment with Yehovah. Is this salvation then? No, but it is being set at liberty from Demons and wind beings that are trying and have successfully inflicted upon you all kinds of captivity.

We know that we will be “justified“ by a court decision. And this is a technical term and has very little to do with tzadiq. This technical term relates to a court decision which decides whether you will enter into the Imperial administration or not. And as Yhshua points out it does not matter how much tzadeqah you have done in his name if you are not fully aligned with Yehovah by means of the decontaminating wind; and if you are no longer chopping and choosing and changing his instructions then you have very little chance of being “justified“ by this.

And what of salvation? if you continue in the way of Yhshua receiving all-comers and having fought all of them still stand then you will know salvation. An an example of this the children of Israel did not know salvation until they looked upon the armies of Pharaoh being drowned in the border sea and they, standing there looking down upon their masters and enemy understood that they were liberated. Similarly you having thought with the help of Yhshua every wind being, every breath being and every Demon, and having brought under control and overcome every impulse against the decontaminating wind you will know salvation. You will look upon all these enemies defeated by the mighty power of Yhshua from Nazareth and rejoice. 

So you see there are many many things that the acts of Yehovah declared plainly, and which the Jewish communities at least record accurately even if they do not themselves align with them accurately that make the experience with Yehovah completely different to that which is common among Christians.

Now all of those who are called to the gathering by Yhshua from Nazareth they will know and understand the father and the father will glorify his son Yhshua and they will know and understand Yhshua from Nazareth. And from their association with these two they will bring to all of you who will listen good news of the Imperial administration and the experience of its power. This power will made evident by the casting out of demons and the receipt of the decontaminating wind by ordinary men and women and the healing of those who are sick and damaged by these contaminating wind beings and breath beings. Glory to Yehovah who in being all powerful gives glory to his son Joshua by whom we have access to this extraordinary grace and the power of this good news of the Imperial administration of Elohim.